Are Our “Rulers” Better Than Their “Rulers?”

December 16, 2019 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff


By Je suis Spike for RBN


Many people in elective office in America forget that they’re to be servants; believing that they’re smarter and better than the great unwashed, they see themselves as rulers.


What do you know about the history of that which President Reagan called “The Evil Empire,” you know, the Soviet Union?  The way the bureaucracy operated?  The way the soviets were run?  What do you know about the people who sat in their legislatures and kept power in the hands of the party, and kept information from the people, in effect, controlling the people?  Do you know the names of any of those who thwarted justice, who kept the people from being able to enjoy the rights that God gave the people?  They were pretty successful for a long time; they kept the people down for a long time.  Do you know the names of those members of the politburo and lower echelons of tyrants?  Of course not, we’re Americans.


What do you know about the history of the united states government?  The way the bureaucracy has operated?  The way the departments and agencies were run?  What do you know about the people who sat in America’s legislatures and kept power in the hands of the Deep State and kept information from the people, in effect, controlling the people?  Do you know the names of any of those who thwarted justice, who kept the people from being able to enjoy the rights that God gave the people?  They’ve been pretty successful for a long time, at one point they ran the House of Representatives for 40 years; they kept the people down for a long time.  Do we know the names of those members of the legislature and lower echelons of tyrants, maybe at the state level?  Of course we do, we’re Americans.


Some of those names are more familiar than others, but a nice start to such a list would begin Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Gerald Nadler… and let’s not forget that they’re just the recent chair-warmers.  We can go back a long time, naming their predecessors, Tom Daschle, Harry Reid, Jim Wright, Thomas Foley, and those are just some of the “leaders.”  They had many lock-step doing their bidding, the Stepfordcrats.


And let us not forget the names of those who were in what is laughingly called “the other party.”  Sure, there are many good people in the other party, but there were some who were glad to cooperate with the Deep State.  Some have passed and some are still around.  John McCain, Willard Romney, Paul Ryan, and so many more make a partial listing.


The jury is out on McConnell, let’s see how he handles the impeachment trial, if it comes to that.


Thank you for reading this,

Je suis Spike