Brzezinski’s Words Point to the Coming Apocalypse
October 3, 2013 in Dave Hodges, News by RBN Staff
Source: The Common Sense Show
Dave Hodges
October 2, 2013
Meet the man who wants to own your future.
Zbigniew Brzezinski is an insider’s insider. He and David Rockefeller co-founded theTrilateral Commission. He served as Jimmy Carter’s National Security Adviser. He may as well have been called Mr. President during the Carter years because he ran the US economy into the ground while undermining American sovereignty during the Carter administration. Many suspect that he also controls Obama. He was, after all, Obama’s Russian Studies professor at Columbia back in the 1980′s. We know that he handpicked Jimmy Carter to become the President and many suspect he had a large hand in grooming Obama for the same job. Brzezinski’s close affiliation with Rockefeller makes him a person of interest when it comes to the subjugation, of not only this country, but of the entire planet. Brzezinski is obviously the globalist’s man on the ground and serves the role as puppet master. Therefore, we would be wise to listen and to take seriously what this New World demagogue has to say because he and his globalist colleagues are beyond hiding their intentions, they are making their move because they know if they don’t move soon, that too many people on the planet will awaken and stop their tyranny in its tracks.
Brzezinski Admits That the NWO Is Losing the Propaganda War
During a speech in Poland, Brzezinski publicly lamented that it has become “increasingly difficult to suppress” and control the “persistent and highly motivated populist resistance of politically awakened and historically resentful peoples.” Brzezinski is clearly referring to us, the people in the alternative media.
Whether you have a large following by hosting your own talk show, or you have a large website where you expose the truth, or you simply write on message boards and also alert your family to the tyranny that has overrun our country, all of us are part of the alternative media. None of us are more important than any other freedom fighter. Look in the mirror, you are the last line of resistance to the planned eugenics take over on this planet and we are damned effective! This is why McCain once introduced legislation to fine bloggers $300,000 for “offensive” comments. This is why McCain sponsored another piece of legislation to give away control of the internet to Verizon and Bell South five years ago. This is why we have seen SOPA and Feinstein’s recent attempt to silence citizen journalists. Now we are hearing that the Trans Pacific Partnership is going to give control of the internet, for its member nations, to a small tribunal and this cannot be challenged in Congress. Although it does not often feel like it, we are winning or the globalists would not be interested in shutting us down.
Brzezinski Sounds Like a Scared Despot
Brzezinski’s call of warning to the “global political awakening” has only intensified in recent years. In 2012, Brzezinski also blamed the accessibility of “radio, television and the Internet” for the “universal awakening of mass political consciousness.” This statement is tantamount to admitting that the globalists are losing.
Brzezinski expressed even more of a sense of globalist dread and panic during a 2010 Council on Foreign Relations speech in Montreal in which he stated that “the major world powers, new and old, also face a novel reality: while the lethality of their military might is greater than ever, their capacity to impose control over the politically awakened masses of the world is at a historic low. To put it bluntly: in earlier times, it was easier to control one million people than to physically kill one million people; today, it is infinitely easier to kill one million people than to control one million people,” said. There can be no other reasonable interpretation, that this is a direct threat against all who oppose being enslaved and eventually exterminated.
We are paying for our own demise.
Please allow me to send shivers up your spine. Does it now make sense to your why DHS ordered 2.6 billion rounds of ammunition to go with 2700 armored personnel carriers? Are you finally getting your mind around the fact as to why our government is training 386,000 foreign troops in FEMA Region 3?
Even the IRS and the National Weather Service has acquired millions of rounds of ammunition. FEMA and DHS are planning one disaster drill after another over the next six weeks. The frequency of these drills is unprecedented! Is it all starting to make sense now? Also, ask yourself America as to why is NORTHCOM still practicing urban subjugation drills in American towns and cities? They are a combat unit and they are rehearsing going to war with the American public. It seems like all federal agencies are preparing for war. Look under the bed, do you see anyone else besides you that they would be preparing to go to war with?
DHS target practice sheet.
The meaning of Brzezinski’s words are quite clear. If the globalists are unable to control us, they will attempt to kill us. This is not a surprising statement from a man who has proven himself to be a dedicated sociopath and will stop at nothing to realize his dream of globalist domination of the planet within his lifetime.
Prominent Journalists Are Taking Notice
In a December 9, 2012 interview on The Common Sense Show, Jim Marrs discussed how approximately 400-500 top level bankers have left their positions and have gone into seclusion. Marrs reminded my listening audience of how the elite have developed seed vaults which only they have access to. Jim Marrs was clearly alluding to the fact that some very bad events are coming and the global elite are aware of it and are moving to meet the threat.
Ex-intel running for the safety.
Prior to the Marrs warning, my insider sources informed me that the same thing is happening in various federal organizations who have recently retired from the CIA, DHS, NSA and FEMA. This fact is indisputable. I have firsthand knowledge of three ex-fed officials and their families who have relocated to safety enclaves when doing so was very disruptive to their respective families. Increasingly, it is looking like some major event(s) is/are coming and persons with insider information are attempting to remove themselves from harm’s way. My primary source, from FEMA, told me that he was relocating to a preplanned destination with like-minded people into enclaves which contain a high degree of preparation which are also designed to survive what is coming.
New Revelations From Old Reliable Sources
It is no secret and it has been revealed to me that we have biological and chemical weapons that the world has never heard of or even imagined. For the powers that be, as one of my insider sources has told me, this kind of attack would constitute the fall back position. One should look at this option of releasing bio or chemical agents as a type of doomsday weapon. I have been told that a release of several agents would be the “parting gift to a people that cannot be controlled.” The professional specialty of one of my sources was in counter-terrorism in relation to a bio weapons attack.
All of my sources agree one point: America has awakened sufficiently to not allow a peaceful transition into an entire technocratic dictatorship. All of the sources believe that something dramatic will be required to force the compliance of the masses. The coming event(s) must be so horrific, so devastating, that most will be frightened into compliance into the New World Order of things (i.e. martial law). All sources place the nuclear option as the most likely scenario.It was widely reported in multiple locations that a base in West Texas conducted an unauthorized Nuke transfer. There was no signature required for the transfer and it was totally off the books, thus, making this a black ops activity. On that same day, Senator Lindsay Graham (SC), stated that if we did not immediately go to war with Syria, that Charleston Harbor would be nuked. On the surface, Graham’s words sound like they come from a raving lunatic. However, many of us are wondering what does Graham know about what is really coming?
The Globalists Need a TET Offensive to Regain Control
Everyone agrees that the main threats to America are tied to nuclear detonations, chemical/biological attacks on several shopping centers and the introduction of psychotronic weapons on a mass scale preceded by a devastating blackout. So many of you are wondering what kind of attack will be used to facilitate the roll out of total martial law and will serve to scare the sheep so badly that they will acquiesce to anyone who promises to take care of them? The answer lies in understanding our military history as it relates to dealing with a desperate adversary. The adversary in this case are the globalists who feel that they have lost control of the public that Brzezinski has addressed.The last time we faced a determined and desperate adversary was in Vietnam.
In 1968, the North Vietnamese forces were devastated and were on the verge of defeat. North Vietnamese General, Giap, decided to invoke a Sun Tzu strategy consisting of attacking America where it was the weakest, on the home-front. Giap designed a series of attacks on dozens of strategic locations including the American embassy in Saigon. Giap knew that his planned attacks would eventually meet with failure. However, if he could demonstrate to the American people that President Johnson was lying about being close to victory, he could turn the tide of the war. This TET Offensive, as it was called, could be and eventually was the turning point in the war. From the list of disaster drills FEMA and DHS are planning for, it is likely that we will be attacked using multiple weapons systems. Along this line of reasoning, America is not going to buy a singular false flag event. In fact, if 9/11 were to happen today, over half the country would be looking for the real story. From the intelligence information that I have been receiving for nearly a year, I believe that globalists are going to launch a massive type of TET Offensive upon America which will scare the masses into compliance. This modern day version of the TET Offensive will likely be preceded by a massive blackout and quickly followed with a number of terrorist incidences, each more horrific than the previous one. One of the departing ex-intel families told me to watch the then new TV series, Revolution, as there will be a massive blackout designed to immobilize people and to make the people dependent upon the government for survival. In such a scenario, hungry and scared people will be rioting by the third day and Kissinger once stated that someday we would be begging for the troops of the UN to come in and restore order.
As bad as things will get from a blackout, it will only prove to be the catalyst event. When the blackout occurs and an unprepared public begins to starve and being in fear of their lives from the marauding gangs going house to house in search of resources, the people will be forced to go to government relocation centers to seek food and shelter and safety from the rioting masses. Interestingly, as I wrote about over a year ago, Simon Properties, the biggest owners of malls in North America signed an agreement with DHS to allow their malls to be used for emergency relocation centers. On the heels of this agreement, the NFL, the NBA and the NHL and Major League Baseball offered up their arenas and stadiums to DHS for the same purpose as did Simon Properties. This will lead to a massive population shift to public venues and this will save the powers that be the arduous task of rounding up the masses, although this will go on and will be carried out by foreign troops who will not hesitate to fire on American citizens.
I have also been told that the rioting will intensify because of the use of pychotronic warfare. Many of the people are going to be electronically agitated and this will intensify the rioting. Many people will angrily strike out due to direct electronic attacks upon the emotional centers of the brain, the limbic system. The delivery agents would be HAARP, the GWEN towers and the smart meters.
The technology to hyper-stimulate a human being’s emotional state has existed since the 1960′s beginning with the work of Jose Delgado, a Spanish physiologist, who eventually went to work at the Stanford Research Institute and helped to develop the now infamous MKULTRA program. On my show last Sunday night, I covered the fact that a number of universities are presently involved in mind control research at places such as San Diego State University, Western Kentucky University, Arizona State University, the University of Arizona, the University of California at Davis and the list goes on and on. The purpose of such an electronic attack would be to agitate the general public through a state of electromagnetic irritation thus promoting even more civil unrest leading people to seek public shelter under the protection of armed troops. How well did that work at the Superdome in Louisiana following Katrina?
The Match Game
Why do I believe the three ex-intel sources who have gone into hiding? I believe them because we see evidence of the prophetic nature of their words in the present set of defense drills scheduled from September 25 through November 13th.
Do you remember the old television show, The Match Game, in which contestants would match elements to an object or an event? Let’s play the same game with the upcoming terrorist drills.
Dirty Bomb Drill in the Port of Houston on September 25th
Already took place without incident.
If a prolonged blackout is in effect these supplies would be needed.
This speaks to a poisoning of the water supply which could follow a pandemic release or a nuclear detonation making ground water unfit to drink.
The above speaks to the widespread nature of the attacks and is highly suggestive of multiple attacks.
4. $11 million in antibiotics to be delivered to FEMA region III by October 1st ordered by CDC
This clearly speaks to a pandemic release.
Meet your new martial law troops.
6. Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill Set Oct. 17
Choose a fault line in the United States, any fault line. Mix in a little HAARP and you add another piece to the multiple planned attacks.
7. More Than 1,000 Banks Plan National Cyber-Attack Drill Oct. 16-17, Oct. 23-24
This is more of post-apocalyptic in nature in which the banking system will be taken down within a planned blackout. This ushers in a new global currency following the domestic collapse of the dollar.
8. Quantum Dawn’ Is a Cyber-Attack Bank Drill –
Same analysis as #7.
The above mentioned foreign troops will restore order, under the color of martial law, in a manner that US troops will not with regard to the brutal subjugation of any American dissent.This planned blackout will prove to be the catalyst event which will set off the modern-day, globalist version of the TET Offensive.
Mix in Senator Graham’s nuclear detonation comments and we have the McDonalds version of the “full meal deal.”
It is clear that the warnings that I and others have received speaks to the validity of what my ex-intel sources have told me. We have a series of matches and the American people are staring in the face some very dark days.
Other Media Figures are Receiving Very Similar Information
Late last year, Doug Hagmann published some very dire warnings which comes from an inside source of his at DHS. At the exact same time, I decided to go public and reveal what I know as well with regard to intelligence community warnings about what lies ahead. Doug’s source says very similar things, only with more gruesome detail about what lies ahead. I would advise all readers to click on the above link and listen to the Hagmann warning, it is eerily similar to what I am expressing here.
Brzezinski and the globalists are panicked because they know what I know; Social psychology teaches us that a society only must have 10% of its population be dedicated to an ideal before it catches hold and spreads to 75% of the masses that we call the sheep. We are on the precipice of reaching this threshold. The globalists desperately need a game changing event. They are out of time, humanity is finally rolling out of bed and the globalists are poised to strike. Perhaps calling attention to these planned possibilities will delay them. Regardless, it is time for all of us to physically and spiritually prepare.