Chemical Weapons Use in Syria: By US-Supported Terrorists, Not Assad
November 22, 2016 in News by RBN Staff

US-supported terrorists used toxic agents on Syrian forces and civilians numerous times since Obama launched naked aggression in March 2011.
Nearly always, Assad is wrongfully blamed, despite Syria’s entire CW arsenal destroyed under Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) supervision.
On Monday, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman General Igor Konashenkov issued a statement, saying:
“In Area ‘1070’ in the southwestern suburbs of Aleppo, experts from the Russian Defense Ministry conducted rapid identification of nine selected samples (fragments of mines, the soil from the craters, places where shells landed), which confirmed (terrorists) used chlorine and white phosphorus munitions to fill their ammunition” – the latter substance able to burn flesh to the bone on contact, water unable to extinguish it.
Russian CW experts took bioassays from four Syrian victims, analysis determining toxic substances used. OPCW officials declined to send experts, determine what happened and report accordingly.
Sergey Lavrov commented, saying “Russian specialists found that militants in east Aleppo used ammunition with poisonous substances, with the ammo targeting west Aleppo. The collected samples leave no doubt that it’s a toxic agent.”
The OPCW, under virtually certain heavy US pressure, refused to fulfill its mandate as required under provisions of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC).
Citing security issues rang hollow. Russian and Syrian forces guaranteed the safety of experts sent. Moscow may deliver samples to the Hague for analysis. “It will be hard (for its officials) to back out,” said Lavrov.
Expect no movement toward cessation of hostilities and conflict resolution as long as Obama’s neocon infested administration is in charge.
Will Trump go another way once inaugurated? Will he cooperate with Russia, as promised, or continue longstanding hostility?
Will he wage war on terrorism responsibly instead of supporting it like the Clintons, Bush/Cheney and Obama? We’ll know soon enough once he formally succeeds Obama.
Separately, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin met with Assad in Damascus on Tuesday, saying Moscow will continue providing Syria with economic aid to support its citizens in dire need.
Discussion also focused on how to help restore Syria’s economy, including energy, production and major infrastructure projects. Agreement was reached, Rogozin saying Russia will do everything possible to help under “very difficult conditions.”
“One thing is clear. What Russia is doing is unprecedented both in terms of military participation in the fight against international terrorism and political and economic settlement.”