Congress Quietly Pushing Bill to Require National Biometric ID for ‘ALL Americans’
January 23, 2018 in News by RBN Staff
Source: The Liberty Beacon

Congress Quietly Pushing Bill to Require National Biometric ID for ‘ALL Americans’
Not surprisingly, there is almost no media coverage on this legislation.
H.R. 4760 establishes a mandatory National Identification system that requires all Americans to carry a government-approved ID containing “biometric features.” Without this card, according to the legislation, you will not be able to work in this country.
The legislation was drafted under the auspices of providing a legislative solution for the current beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
However, as Ron Paul points out, “this bill would give DACA recipients a 3-year renewable legal statuswhile forcing a biometric National ID card on virtually everyone else.”
“That’s right — the statists want to control you,” said Paul.
Naturally, this bill is wholeheartedly supported by the anti-immigration sect and has gained 70 co-sponsors already in only a few days. As with most police state-promoting legislation, fear of illegal immigration is being pushed to garner such support. However, as Ron Paul points out, the bill won’t just target illegals—it targets everyone—and it will use your most private information to track you.
“Under the statists’ National ID scheme, you’d be forced to carry around your National ID card, tied to this massive database, chockfull of biometric identifiers like fingerprints and retina scans,” Paul noted. “Without this ID, you won’t be able to legally hold a job — or likely even open a bank account or even board a plane!”
Paul said there is a very good chance this bill will become law as the support for it seems overwhelming. He laid out three key factors that are detrimental to the freedom of all Americans.
- Allow federal bureaucrats to include biometric identification information on the card, potentially even including fingerprints, retinal scans, or scans of veins on the back of hands, which could easily be used as a tracking device;
- Be required for all U.S. workers regardless of place of birth, making it illegal for anyone to hold a job in the United States who doesn’t obtain an ID card;
- Require all employers to purchase an “ID scanner” to verify the ID cards with the federal government. Every time any citizen applies for a job, the government would know — and you can bet its only a matter of time until “ID scans” will be required to make even routine purchases, as well.
The control freaks in the US government have been trying for years to pass a National ID card law and it has been successfully resisted every time. This time, however, it appears that the Republicans—who used to be vocally opposed to such measures—are now fully onboard likely because of the bill’s anti-immigration language.
As Paul points out,
For years now, statists in BOTH parties have been fighting to RAM their radical National ID-database scheme into law.
In fact, this scheme was a key portion of the infamous failed “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” bills BOTH parties tried to ram through during the Obama administration.
Now, using the momentum behind Trump’s tough talk on immigration and border security, I’m afraid the statists believe the best way to finally enact their National ID scheme is by promoting their bill on Capitol Hill as a “DACA fix” while they sell it to the GOP base as a border “security” measure.
Of course, that’s nothing more than a buzzword meant to trick Americans from all over the country into thinking that Congress is going to seal our southern border.
But in reality, it means something far different.
The “security” members of BOTH parties in the U.S. House want doesn’t target any U.S. border. Instead, it’s meant to create an all-out police state within them.
The truth is, this is exactly the type of battle that often decides whether a country remains free or continues sliding toward tyranny.
Paul’s Campaign for Liberty is planning a massive crusade against this tyrannical legislation in the form of billboards, commercials, and other advertising. He’s even started a petition to let your representative know how you feel about them ushering in a new level of despotism and control. You can sign thispetition here.
Please share this article with your friends and family so we can stop the tyrants in their path.
TLB published this original article from The Free Thought Project with our appreciation for making it available.
About the writer Matt Agorist
Matt Agorist is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world. Agorist is also the Editor at Large at the Free Thought Project. Follow @MattAgorist on Twitter, Steemit, and now on Facebook.