Connecting The Dots: Israel, London, Wall Street And The Mideast
December 27, 2018 in News by RBN Staff
General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi was Egypt’s commanding general and then Egypt’s Defense minister. Now he is the country’s First Deputy Prime Minister. And he is Jewish. That he is Jewish is left out of all Corporate Media articles. If you knew his mother was a Moroccan Jew and that his uncle was a member of the Israeli Knesset, you might be able to connect the dots and see through the illusions spun by the news.
Knowing that General Sisi is Jewish might help you understand why he has ordered all the tunnels from Egypt to Gaza be destroyed. An Egyptian Muslim or an American or European Gentile might consider allowing the tunnels to remain open as that is the only reliable means of food and medicine for the much persecuted Gazans. The Jews of Israel have kept the Gazans and the Palestinians on a diet which is their way of saying they are starving them to break their will. Now that you understand Sisi is Jewish, you know why he is helping Israel to abuse the Palestinians of Gaza. And also why he is killing so many of the Muslims in Egypt.
Our next two dots are in Saudi Arabia and Turkey but we will have to go back to Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676) to understand their origins. Rabbi Zevi claimed to be the Jewish Messiah. He taught his followers to invoke the wrath of God to hasten the days of the End of the (Gentile) Age. He told them to commit incest and even that daughters should conceive babies by their fathers. He obtained many followers. Some say half of the Jews of Europe followed him as they subsequently did rabbi Jacob Franks who also claimed to be the Messiah and was a satanist.
Zevi burned the Torah and accepted only the Talmud, the Zohar and the Kabbalah. Unfortunately for him, the Sultan forced Zevi to convert to Islam. He founded his own sect of Islam called the Donmeh which added some Sufi mysticism to his teachings. Modern day Turkey has at least 100,000 Donmeh. Some say many more. The Donmeh were very powerful within the Sultan’s regime and in the Young Turks movement that replaced them with the modern secular Turkish state.
Wayne Madsen wrote this: One Young Turk from Salonika, Mehmet Talat, was the official who carried out the genocide of the Armenians and Assyrians. A Venezuelan mercenary who served in the Ottoman army, Rafael de Nogales Mendez, noted in his annals of the Armenian genocide that Talat was known as the “renegade Hebrew of Salonika.” Talat was assassinated in Germany in 1921 by an Armenian whose entire family was lost in the genocide ordered by the “renegade Hebrew.” It is believed by some historians of the Armenian genocide that the Armenians, known as good businessmen, were targeted by the business-savvy Dönmeh because they were considered to be commercial competitors.
We should note that Salonika was a Jewish town in Turkish occupied Greece which had been home to Zevi for awhile.
We now may more clearly understand why modern Turkey is an ally with Israel and NATO against Syria. But why is Saudi Arabia so keen to help Israel, the US and Great Britain?
Wayne Madsen also wrote this: the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency points to the Dönmeh roots of the founder of the Saudi Wahhabi sect of Islam, Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab.
These are the modern day Wahhabis who do not let women drive cars and force them to wear veils. No other sect of Islam requires women to veil themselves. These are the men who are recruited into Al Qaeda. Their idea of Sharia law is to attack women in the street who wear secular clothes and attend universities. In the Egyptian elections many poor people in Egypt voted for the Muslim Brotherhood because they believed an Islamic party would rebel against the usury of the IMF and the World Bank and mitigate the suffering of the poor. Instead they brought a sword to the land. It was almost as if the Islamic party was taking their marching orders from Tel Aviv. Destroy every Muslim state powerful enough to say No to the Israel’s need to periodically commit genocide.
Wayne Madsen also reveals the Jewish origins of the Saud family who were put on the throne of Saudi Arabia after pledging support to the British for creating a Jewish homeland in Palestine. And this: In Said Nasir’s book, The History of the Saud Family, it is maintained that in 1943, the Saudi ambassador to Egypt, Abdullah bin Ibrahim al Muffadal, paid Muhammad al Tamami to forge a family tree showing that the Sauds and Wahhabs were one family that descended directly from the Prophet Mohammed.
Now we can connect even more dots. We understand why the Saudi royal family and their pet religion, the Wahhabis, are such big supporters of Zionism and Imperialism. Have you ever seem Al Qaeda attack Israel? What strange Islamic terrorists these men be!
Al Qaeda means the base. Robin Cook, the former British Foreign Secretary, said Al Qaeda is the database of Muslims willing to work for the CIA and MI6. Al Qaeda is active in Pakistan killing Muslims and Christians to divide the nation so they cannot resist NATO and Zionist imperialism. The Pakistanis after several years of suffering from drone strikes have finally decided to take their protests against America to the UN.
I would hope you realize that Israel did 911 so you can understand the following. In November of 2001 the US allowed the Pakistanis to airlift 5,000 Al Qaeda and Taliban leaders out of Kunduz in northern Afghanistan to Pakistan. This close relationship has continued to this day. On November 26, 2011 US forces open fired on a Pakistani border post and killed 24 soldiers. They called up the Pakistani regional commander and apologized for the ‘error.’ But they continued firing for 3 more hours. The attack intentionally opened the border so thousands of Taliban could cross back into Afghanistan where the winter would be somewhat milder due to lower elevations. We should note that the Bush administration had decided to invade both Afghanistan and Iraq even before Israel did 911. And I might point out that the US has brought Taliban fighters into Syria to kill Muslims and Christians.
One of the reasons we are in Afghanistan is the hundreds of billions of dollars the CIA, the Military and the banks make every year from selling illegal drugs and weapons.
We need to connect a few more dots in Wall Street and the City of London. Jerome Corsi is of Jewish descent. He talked several times at Harvard with Edward Bernays, Sigmund Freud’s nephew. Bernays invented modern public relations. Bernays sold the US takeover of Guatemala and promoted adding fluoride to the American drinking water. Corsi has written a book and has been doing interviews. He has made some highly misleading assertions about the Bush family and the Nazis.
A few corrections. The Bush name was originally spelled Busch. They were Jews. Herbert Walker and Prescott Bush worked at Brown Brothers Harriman. In a recent interview Corsi spun some wild tale that the Bush family worked with Alan And John Foster Dulles at Brown Brothers Harriman. Not true. The Dulles brothers were lawyers at Cromwell and Sullivan. Their uncle was Woodrow Wilson’s Secretary of State. The Dulles brothers were taken to the Paris Peace Conference under the tutelage of their friend Bernard Baruch who made a fortune selling munitions and other supplies to His Majesty’s Jewish government during WW I.
The Harrimans and the Rockefellers had been made men of substance and importance by the Rothschilds just as J P Morgan had been. The Harrimans helped run the Democratic party for the Rothschilds and the Bush family and the Rockefellers helped with the Republicans. Were Harriman and the Bush families crypto Nazis? Does a secret cabal of Nazis run the European Union and the United States? The answer to both questions is No.
The truth was told by Howard Katz in The Warmongers. The Rothschilds owned the Bank of England until the close of WW II. The Rothschilds loaned Hitler 350 million pounds in 1935 to buy guns to arm Germany and to reorganize I G Farben with the help of the Jewish Mond family who ran Imperial Chemicals at the time. Hitler had no intention of conquering the world. Stalin had 24,000 tanks and 30,000 artillery pieces when war broke out. The British Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax had gone to meet with Hitler and told him that the British government wanted him to gather all of the Germans together into one nation which Britain was helping to arm. The British would pull the plug on the smaller nations like Austria and Czechoslovakia to pave the way for German reunification. Hitler was then to defend the West against Stalin who was brutally murdering millions of Christians every year.
I should point out that the Poles had been persecuting Germans ever since the death of their leader Pilsudski who had signed a non-aggression pact with Germany in 1934. The Polish military taking orders from the new regime fired repeatedly at unarmed German passenger planes on scheduled flights. Polish partisans together with some Jews and Communists had killed German civilians. These were acts of war. Hitler decided war was his only option. He was forced into this position by the Polish government. He never wanted a war with France and England. The World War was the design of the Rothschilds.
The US, Israel and the Zionist state of Saudi Arabia have used Al Qaeda to attack Syria so they can start a war with Iran which will destroy the US military and wreck the American economy permanently.
Perhaps we should mention Albert Pike, the 19th century Freemason, satanist, war criminal and Confederate general who in 1871 predicted 3 world wars needed to bring about a One World Order. Others say this prediction could have originated in the Vatican. World War III was to be a conflict of civilizations involving the Muslims.
In any event the destruction of America and the creation of a New World Order have always been the goal of the Rothschilds. And now you understand why you have spent trillions of dollars supporting the Terrorists of Al Qaeda and the Zionists of Israel. You are funding the destruction of your nation. Now you can connect all the dots.
Now you know all world wars are Rothschild wars.