Conservative Leader and Former #NeverTrumper Mark Levin Says He Will Vote for Trump (Video)

September 8, 2016 in News, Video by RBN Staff

via: The Gateway Pundit

Mark-LevinFormer #NeverTrumper and Cruz supporter Mark Levin announced on Tuesday he will vote for Donald Trump for president.

The Hill reported:

After once declaring he could never support Donald Trump as the Republican presidential nominee, Mark Levin changed his mind with a big announcement on his radio program Tuesday.

“I’m gonna vote for Donald Trump. I’m gonna wind up voting for Donald Trump on Election Day,” the talk radio host said after reiterating his perspective that Texas Sen. Ted Cruz was a far better choice for conservatives.

“I take no responsibility for the dumb things he says or the dumb things his surrogates say,” he added of the GOP nominee and his campaign.

Levin’s endorsement comes five months after unequivocally stating, “I am not voting for Donald Trump. Period.”

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