David Livingstone: Politics is all an Act

September 19, 2016 in News by RBN Staff

via: Henry Makow


Left. Ann Coulter – Has Politics Become a Reality Show? 
My friend David Livingstone is completing a book on the “Alt Right” which argues that the Trump movement belongs to something called the “Fascist International,” part of the Left-Right dialectic that Masonic Jewish central bankers use to control the world. On the Left, we have Communism with all the usual exponents including Obama, Clinton and the Zionist-controlled media. On the Right, we have “Tradition” a conservative anti-globalist false opposition represented by Putin and Trump with roots in Alexander Dugin, Rene Guinon and Julius Evola.  
Discordianism – Trivializing Truth as a Form of Subversion- “The idea is that nothing is sacred. So they make fun of absolutely everyone and everything, to shock them into supposedly recognizing that there is no truth.” – DL
In an email, David writes: “If you can follow the convoluted trail of associations, you might also find this interesting. I believe it might help to explain the recent antics. Discordianism, popularized by Robert Anton Wilson, who was also a libertarian, has had a powerful influence. It might have … encouraged deliberate buffoonery for subversive and political ends. It’s influenced by the trickster archetype, an alternative characterization of the dying-god (aka the devil). There’s no way that Trump takes himself seriously. Or he does on some level, but a degree of farce is part of his method.”  (More of David’s email below article.)
To Illustrate, David pointed me to this Oct 24, 2013 article about Ann Coulter by leftist Chris Sosa in the online Communist house organ Salon. 
“Ann Coulter is a particularly unique brand of polemic performance artist, some would say satirist. Imagine Stephen Colbert with a profound mean streak who doesn’t let anyone in on the fact it’s a charade.”
by Chris Sosa
(abridged by henrymakow.com) 
Liberals know Ann Coulter as a vicious pundit with a propensity for saying the most hateful thing possible without being yanked off-air. Republicans know her as a fearless advocate for conservative values who eschews political correctness in her quest for truth. They’re both dead wrong.
Ann Coulter is a particularly unique brand of polemic performance artist, some would say satirist. Imagine Stephen Colbert with a profound mean streak who doesn’t let anyone in on the fact it’s a charade. Coulter has managed to do this by playing it relatively straight as a bona fide conservative commentator who bolsters the image with numerous best-selling books.


(Coulter with Milo Yiannopoulos. When everyone is a shill, they co opt the discourse.)  
Most people aren’t aware that Coulter had a career as a journalistic voice and lawyer prior to her current incarnation. She helped found Cornell University’s student paper the Cornell Review, obtained a J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School, and practiced law in New York City. Her work as a litigator for the civil liberties organization Center for Individual Rights and assistance in crafting deportation legislation with Sen. Spencer Abraham may give an idea of her ideology.
Coulter got her break with the book “High Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Case Against Bill Clinton.” It’s a wordy, legalistic affair with a tone unrecognizable in the Coulter of today. Serious and higher-minded, the book became a best-seller. What happened next began the birth of the Ann Coulter we know today: She released “Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right” in 2003. The drastic tonal change occurred without explanation.
Dripping with cynicism, she started lobbing fireball quotes at the left, each designed as little more than open provocation. Whether this was always the plan is hard to decipher. But Coulter had indisputably morphed into a phenomenon. The right was excited, but perhaps they should have exercised more caution…
Thus began the descent, or arguably ascent, of Coulter into fact-flexible parody. She crafted deliciously malicious word-bombs and tested them out on an unsuspecting public. She lobbed one of her first bombs in an interview with George Gurley of the New York Observer. “Is your tape recorder running? Turn it on! I got something to say … My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times building.”
The gleeful malice signified a new turn for Coulter. She seemed less interested in her notion of justice but significantly more concerned with inflicting outrage on the American public. Society was stupid, and she was going to screw with it.


In a way, Ann Coulter ceased to be any semblance of a genuine conservative fighter the moment she became known as a major conservative voice. Facts were replaced with detached, often hilarious, political rhetoric that amounted to little more than hot polemic air. Take this quote from “How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must)”: “Like the Democrats, Playboy just wants to liberate women to behave like pigs, have sex without consequences, prance about naked, and abort children.” (2004)
Around this time her tone on Clinton had become even more hyperbolic: “Well, he was a very good rapist. I think that should not be forgotten” [New York Observer (Jan. 10, 2005)]. Along this line, she unleashed what was arguably her most controversial quote while addressing CPAC in 2007: “I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word “faggot”, so I — so kind of an impasse — can’t really talk about Edwards.”
While liberals had a collective meltdown, this quote could be attributed to [stand up comic, ethnic insult specialist] Lisa Lampanelli with no fanfare whatsoever. It’s a matter of context. Ann Coulter had found the perfect recipe: treating news spaces as comedy platforms where she could deliberately make ridiculous statements to infuriate liberals who would be too dense to notice what was going on. But her performance requires equal condescension to conservatives, without whom the Coulter brand would disappear. Coulter knows her performance hurts the right, and she clearly doesn’t care…

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(Left. Bill Maher is an Illuminati shill) 
Coulter is often dismissed as a schoolyard bully, but the only thing that really separates her from any mainstream comedian is the platform. Perhaps this is why Coulter counts noted anti-conservative comedians Bill Maher and Joy Behar among her personal friends, appearing with them on-air numerous times over the years. All three are individuals who find large swaths of the American public stupid beyond repair and make a living out of taunting them. Highlighting absurdity by viciously lobbing it back at people is the heart of political comics’ gold standard: George Carlin.
Ann Coulter is among the best comedians working today. She has seemingly zero ideological skin in the game. Notice that no matter how exasperated or belligerent any panelist becomes with her, Coulter appears endlessly bemused. Also of note are the endless anecdotes from behind-the-scenes players who express head-scratching confusion at how a seemingly poised and kind backstage individual morphs into a maniac when approached with a live camera.
Some might call Coulter’s public game cynical, even malicious. But Coulter serves as a fantastic object lesson in media distortion and the ability to manufacture outrage. Perhaps if she does it long enough, people will actually start thinking. If not, I’ll still be having a laugh. Now if you’ll excuse me, this America-hating sodomite socialist needs to get up to speed on her latest rehawking of past outrageous columns: “Never Trust a Liberal Over Three — Especially a Republican.”
Livingstone continues:
“What I’ve been finding is all this tom-foolery is seriously subversive, and consciously employing what is called “culture jamming” a term coined by members of the Church of the Subgenius. That’s a fake religion where Robert Anton Wilson was “pope.” It’s a derivative of another parody religion called Discordianism, which was founded by Kerry Thornley, who was a friend of Lee Harvey Oswald, and investigated by Garrison. In fact, Garrison thought the Discordian Society was a CIA front.
It’s all about mockery, but it’s pagan at its root, and the goal is to subvert everything: society, morals and God.
  • See more at: http://henrymakow.com/2016/09/livingstone-politics-reality-show.html#sthash.FU1Rm70p.dpuf