January 5, 2024 in News by RBN Staff
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Rancourt’s unsubstantiated conclusions (no virus) from Aggregate Data that has a 12 month smoothing (moving average) based on Kevin McCarin’s testimony on Ingri’s show
McCarin further exposes illogical arguments, impressions, suggestions and distractions in the minds of those proposing a “no virus” hypothesis. The result, he suggests, is to hide and occlude the primary physical crime of distributing the SarsCov2 biomolecule pathogen replicated in biological systems.
Compare Rancourt’s flawed rationalization to
The presentation in British Parliament by Mr Andrew Bridgen, Brought to us by the meticulously honest expertise of John Campbell. Bridgen is very steady, logical and factual. All his conclusions are properly stated and qualified.
The debate can be found on John Campbell’s YouTube titled: “Excess deaths debate 16 January”
Rancort’s information should be compared to
1. Normal Flu Death Certificate deaths per year. For this see:
I have verified a few years of data by manually extracting the weekly Death Certificate Flu deaths recorded by the CDC.
In an average year, Flu deaths were about 7500. This number is much less than the deaths claimed for Covid, and even much lower than the corrected death numbers.
Of course the Virus is real, IF anyone bothered to understand Science here (many ignorant here, speak without knowledge or understanding of the science involved). So that a fabricated non-reality was generated in the alternative media including such concepts as: “the No Virus Theory” (spread by William, Paul CA, Ingri, Mer and others, following on from the Fraudulent Andrew Kaufmann, and Fraudulent Robert Young, and other goofy adoptors which ignore much real information and focus on minor points which are, at best, deceptive, such as Sam Bailey, Tom Cowan etc) while the whole science establishing that viruses exist and can be pathogenic has been Well established. Don’t try to tell us that all these brilliant folks (scientists like me and knowing more Biochemistry first hand than I) were all Fooled by the Rockefeller Foundation. Seriously, screw your heads on strait, folks. Why do you think you have Self-Marginalized all of RBN with such ignorance and craziness ? Who will take RBN seriously ? All the Good information gets Debunked instantly by such foolish talk. So please look at what a former guest on Chris Steiner’s show has put together. He has many good video presentations, but in this one, he appears to have virtually (based on his deep understanding evidenced) gone into the lab and investigated exactly what is done. You can see that
1. Viruses have been structurally characterized down to the atoms present and their bonded connections (like tinker toy structures).
2. SarsCov2 has been structurally characterized down the the atomic level (like 1 angstrom resolution).
3. Those infected with Covid disease, bodily fluids have been used to infect others.
Also, ask yourself why your ignorant ideas are in stark contrast to the positions of all top MDs and Scientists in the mainstream and in the alternative media who you actually listen to (??) and post here.
So, please, stop with the parroting of ignorant ideas which obtain false validity via group (non)think. Your false ideas convince others that you and all of the Alt Media are crazy.
Ask yourself why your fake information and ideas about the non-existence of viruses or SarsCov2
Nullify, in the minds of most of the general public, the concept that the gene therapy shots are bad and harmful. Can they trust you with any scientific analysis, if you ignore and miss the basics which are WELL ESTABLISHED Science (i.e., Proven by the preponderence of the evidence).
Please give a little thought, before you open your mouth again, folks. You are assisting in the destruction of mankind by your ineptness and Unnecessary and Unwarranted PRIDE. For you SPEAK WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE.
“13 In the lips of him that hath understanding wisdom is found: but a rod is for the back of him that is void of understanding.
14 Wise men lay up knowledge: but the mouth of the foolish is near destruction.”
Good Job, Fulks.
My sister and brother in-law like me have never worn masks nor never received any of the Hot shots but both were infected with Covid-19 and obviously survived, at the moment I knew this guy who is a Sales Associate at the local Dollar Tree who is self quarantining at home due to being infected with Covid-19 they cannot all be lying about the viral strand.
The virus is real but the vaccines are cell mutating toxins.