Denver Police Officer Cannot Walk after Vaccine Injury

October 4, 2021 in News, Video by RBN Staff


Source: Need To Know | Fox News, Townhall and GoFundMe

Jose Manriquez, GoFundMe


Jose Manriquez, a Denver police officer, veteran, and father of four children, has suffered debilitating injuries, including pain, tremors and trouble walking, after being forced to take a COVID-19 vaccine or get fired from his job as a police officer. What began as muscle aches morphed into pain in his legs to the point where the next week while driving he lost complete feeling and had to call for help to get home. He is not able to return to work and it is unknown if he will be compensated for his injury. His sister created a GoFundMe account for him. Manriquez’s doctor told him that if he does get better, it will take years to recover. -GEG

Link for video:

Veteran and Denver police officer Jose Manriquez was forced to get the Covid-19 vaccine, though he had already recovered from a “serious” case of the disease last year and as his lawyer described, “his body was raging with antibodies.” Those details—of individuals’ personal choices, religious beliefs, and medical history—are irrelevant to the higher ups at businesses and federal, state, and local governments calling the shots, however. For some, as one Project Veritas whistleblower has alleged, being forced to get the jab or be fired has resulted in death. For Manriquez, it means he now struggles to walk.

Speaking to Fox News’s Ainsley Earhardt, Manriquez broke down in tears Friday morning about the uncertainty of his situation.

“I can’t be outside with my kids,” he said as he began to cry. “It’s life-changing, and the doctor said it could get worse before it gets better and if I do get better, it’s gonna be years.”

The father of four tried to continue— “I always carry my kids to bed”—but he was too overcome with emotion to finish his sentence.

Manriquez began experiencing symptoms shortly after receiving the first Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. What began as muscle aches morphed into pain in his legs to the point where the next week while driving he lost complete feeling and had to call for help to get home.

Attorney Randy Corporon, who is representing Manriquez and other Denver police officers, told Earhardt he’s “so frustrated with the doctors,” suggesting that many are stopping short of confirming the vaccines are the cause of adverse events. “They don’t have the courage to, I mean, the effect [for Manriquez] started hitting him right after he took the shot.”

Read full article here…
