Do You Trust The American Government to Protect Your Rights?
November 12, 2019 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff
By Je suis Spike for RBN
“The question as to what extent the senior intelligence and federal law enforcement officials weaponized the most trusted institutions in our nation should be answered and made public for the American people.”
“Most trusted institutions” in our nation. Interesting words.
How long ago was it that they were trusted? Who trusted them? I do not trust one institution of a government that has, for years, trampled a single right of a single member of the people. If one of the most basic rights, I speak of the right to keep and bear arms, was so easily infringed by government, then government is NEVER to be trusted. I agree that government is a necessary, so to speak, evil and a dangerous servant and a fearful master as President Washington warned us, but it is certainly never to be trusted. This is why the people need to be ever vigilant to keep the government “in its lane,” and its lane is the service of the people, not ruling the people.
It was said by somebody much smarter than I, braver than I, and more understanding of the God who gives rights than I, that, “The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.” See that? ETERNAL VIGILANCE. Not for one moment do you let government work behind closed doors if you hope to remain free. I cannot find the source of this quote, but find it to be one of the most profound truths I’ve ever read outside the bible:
“The tiniest departure from the fundamental principle of liberty is the first sign of the lurking presence of evil.”*
- demonstrate competence at exercising your right,
- pay a fee to exercise your right,
- agree that your right may expire and is renewable at the pleasure of government,
- agree to conduct yourself in a manner agreeable with government,
- bow to the governor, the legislature and the, surely corrupt, extant bureaucracy,