Epitaph for America

February 1, 2017 in News by RBN Staff

‘We didn’t need 

to drop those bombs’

By John Kaminski



Needless to say, as we teeter on the precipice, the human riddle has not been solved.

It is a fierce hatred that drives the war machine. We see it now in the way calculating commentators criticize President Trump for quoting Andrew Jackson about the banks that rule the world. We’ve had our fill of seeing our presidents lie about the reasons they take us to war. All the politicians and journalists who profit under the table from their rabid defense of kosher swindles do so because their livelihoods depend on the bribes they get for supporting Jewish control of reality, and for exonerating Jews for all the crimes they continue to commit. Jewish companies like Monsanto and their terminator seeds reveal what they have in store for the rest of us. Our current Congress is full of these drooling propagandists who continue to ardently assist in the conversion of America into a Jewish plantation, which it basically is already.

Human history of the last 200 years has been dominated by Jews. Because the Jews own virtually all the mass media, we don’t get to hear what Jews really do, running country after country into the ground with their fractional reserve lending schemes in which they create money out of nothing and then charge you for using what was yours to begin with. They cater to diseases and profit from what they say are cures but are usually avenues to new afflictions, and endless medical bills.

There is a phenomenon in life that affects doctors, and cops, and newspaper types. They all profit from discovering what they say are bad things, so in order to maximize their profits, they help invent these bad things. You see it everywhere. The FBI invents terror threats so they can look like heroes. The State Department ratchets up hair raising stories about foreign leaders who actually are benefitting their people, but with the power of Jewish media and a pliable president like Obama, that benevolent leader can be turned into an ogre. And then raped and murdered in the street by terrorists the U.S. and Israel hired to do him in.

Israel and the United States are conducting a worldwide campaign to create smoldering failed states in all those countries who fail to knuckle under to the Jewish worldwide tyrannical superstate in which Holy Bibles have been replaced by stock market tickers, and Boy Scout leaders leer at their young charges now that their pederasty has been ruled legal by the homophiliacs on our Supreme Court.

But all these nauseating events of today are nothing new. For centuries Jews have been conducting extortion scams throughout the world and determining, through their control of bank loans, who gets to run for public office.

Dating from the time of the pharaohs when the Hebrew god unleashed the ten plagues upon Egypt, the list of catastrophes, diseases, atrocities, false flag mass murders and other episodes of manipulative hatred that the Jews have inflicted upon the world over time is both phenomenal and disturbing.

Consider the list of Jewish achievements in the world.

Most lately they are 9/11 and the wars that followed, plus sabotage of the food supply, the medical profession, the political process, the educational system and the entire government, which now features menorahs instead of mangers at Christmas.

Jews have turned America into a trashheap of broken families, poison food and bad medicine.

If you ever took the trouble to contemplate the true significance of 9/11 in which the highest levels of the U.S. government were complicit in the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York City, you would realize that this jarring epiphany opens a window onto the entire history of the American republic and you would realize the whole system was long ago converted into an endless money machine for the Jewish bankers, who engineer wars as their primary moneymaking technique.

The Jews running the United States and Britain started both World Wars, and ever since then, countries which aspire to independence from the Jewish money machine are routinely destroyed by cutting edge firepower if they don’t sign over the deeds to their country’s valuables to the Jews, who subsequently starve the unsuspecting populations.

Jews routinely betray and murder those who have assisted them in their perpetual journey to nowhere, fleecing everyone they meet along the way.

The Russians, the Germans and now the Americans all know that feeling of having everything they value slip away, and then get blamed for it by slimy Jews who know how to get their pound of flesh from their naive goy pigeons.

Jews invented glyphosate, and use it to poison all the food we eat.

AIDS, fractional reserve lending, drug addiction, white slavery, black slavery, direct election of senators, bankruptcy of America, assassinating noble leaders  . . . saying a prayer for Donald Trump just in case he is.

Jews are constantly taking vengeance on the world for a wound that is essentially self-inflicted.

We could spend a lot of time discussing just one of these tangents of destructive Jewish achievements, but I thought I’d close this little sermon — a phrase to put on the tombstone of America, which figures to be needed soon — with a few pithy excerpts from one of Eustace Mullins’ finest essays.

The Jewish hellbomb


Albert Einstein, who left Europe and came to the United States in October 1933. His wife said that he “regarded human beings with detestation”. [. . .]

Ronald W. Clark mentions in Einstein; His Life And Times, Avon, 1971, p.377, “He would campaign with the Zionists for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.” On p.460, Clark quotes Einstein, “As a Jew I am from today a supporter of the Jewish Zionist efforts.” (1919) Einstein’s letter to Roosevelt, dated August 2, 1939, was delivered personally to President Roosevelt by Alexander Sachs on October 11. Why did Einstein enlist an intermediary to bring this letter to Roosevelt, with whom he was on friendly terms? The atomic bomb program could not be launched without the necessary Wall Street sponsorship. Sachs, a Russian Jew, listed his profession as “economist”, but was actually a bagman for the Rothschilds, who regularly delivered large sums of cash to Roosevelt in the White House. [. . .]

As David Lawrence, founder and editor of U.S. News & World Report, wrote in his editorial Nov. 23, 1945, “the truth is we are guilty. Our conscience as a nation must trouble us. We must confess our sin. We have used a horrible weapon to asphyxiate and cremate more than 100,000 men, women and children in a sort of super-lethal gas chamber—­and all this in a war already won or which spokesman for our Air Forces tell us we could have readily won without the atomic bomb.” 

The world leader and pacifist Mahatma Gandhi  spoke sadly about the tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  “The atomic bomb has deadened the finest feelings which have sustained mankind for ages.” [. . .] 

General Douglas MacArthur also tried to warn the American people of this threat, as quoted in American Caesar, by William Manchester, Little Brown, 1978, p.692, “In 1957, he lashed out at large Pentagon budgets. 

‘Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear—kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor—with the cry of grave national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it by furnishing the exorbitant funds demanded. Yet, in retrospect, these disasters seem never to have happened, seem never to have been quite real.”

Never quite real indeed.

It seems that America has never followed the advice of its true patriots such as Charles Lindbergh or Henry Ford. Americans have been lured by the slick and deceptive logic of Jewish media, for ridiculing Joe McCarthy’s warnings about Communists in the government, Communists who turned into neocons preaching their gospel of endless war and American supremacy, neocons who blew up those buildings in the middle of New York City.

Instead of spending all that time trying to bludgeon people into submission with bombs and bullshit, we could have been helping them build a sane society, had we been sane ourselves.

Instead, cloaked in fine rhetoric and trick contracts, we robbed everybody blind and left them hungry and cold. Paupers are so much easier to control than an intelligent middle class maintaining functional communities, a middle class that has now been made extinct by television.

Now we get all these false flag terror attacks so the FBI can pretend they are protecting us, and invasions of foreign countries after we first infiltrate hired terrorists to ravage their innocent populations.

I talk a lot ’til I’m blue in the face ‘cause I figured out that if we stop talking about this, we will shortly thereafter die in some very unfortunate and unnecessary manner.

And this line comes out of nowhere from the past . . . what folk singer Don McLean crooned so long ago . . .

“. . . they’re not listening still, and perhaps they never will!”


John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.




