Feds Steal $500,000 from Nick Fuentes Because He Said the Election was Fake
August 17, 2021 in News by RBN Staff
Source: Daily Stormer | Andrew Anglin
This is slightly old news, but as a professional courtesy, I only report on old Nick Fuentes news.
According to a very accurate video posted on August 11, our boy in Chicago has been robbed of half a million dollars by the blood-drinking fed government.
The 8-minute mini-documentary above gives a brief introduction to who this boy is. It then follows his narrative of censorship and oppression at the hands of a ubiquitous and hungry social control grid, before explaining that for some reason he was keeping four-hundred and eighty-three thousand, five-hundred and ninety-two dollars and seventy-eight cents in the Jewish Bank of America.
Shortly after the events of January 6, that money was frozen via a “legal order.”
He spent two weeks calling the bank multiple times per day, only to eventually be told that the account was frozen (i.e., seized) by the Justice Department.
He explains a situation that I already understood very well: if you are under investigation by the FBI, they do not tell you you are under investigation, and you have to find out via something like having all of your money looted from your bank account. Once you gather that you are under investigation, you are not told why you are under investigation. You have no idea when the investigation ends. They are not required to inform you about any of this, at any time. There is no department you can call. No lawyer can do anything about it.
The federal government is all powerful, and it has been since they told you retards that the Moslems blew up those towers in New York and that the only solution was for you to surrender all of your basic civil rights to the feds. Now, all of that power that they grabbed under the pretext of using it to stop cave people from flying planes into skyscrapers is now being turned on you, the American people.
There is a gang of bandits in charge now. No one dares question them. The Republicans are all making backroom deals, hoping that they don’t get lynched and dragged through the street naked by a gang of irate negroes being cheered on by a gang of screeching fat banshees. They fear the Beast, and their fear blinds them to the fact that no deal it makes will be honored.
I’m not going to scold Nick for keeping money in a bank. I mean, you would think that after having his PayPal and every other financial service shut down, it would be clear that the bank was next. I’ve been pretty open about the fact that I’ve been banned from banking since 2015; they kept whatever was in my account, but I had already sniffed out what was happening before the hammer came down, so they only managed to jack maybe $160 (which, for those of you who failed math class, is much less than $483,592.78).
My hope would be that everyone reading this right now will understand that if they’ve been connected at all to any kind of right-wing politics, including simply publicly supporting Donald Trump, they should definitely not have more money than they’re willing to lose in a bank.
As Nick explains in the video: people do not seem to understand just how far gone we are. People assume that “this is America.” But it’s not America. You are living under a brutal occupation government that is not obligated to follow any rules, at all. Right now – today, as you read this – there is nothing keeping the FBI or some other domestic terrorist group associated with the occupation regime from throwing a bag over your head, tossing you in the back of a van, and shuffling you onto a plane bound for a CIA blacksite in Poland, where you will spend the rest of your days with your testicles hooked up to a car battery.
This is because they’ve already officially, in the backrooms of the Department of Justice, labeled Americans who believe the election was stolen or deny the science of vaccination as “domestic terrorists.” That is on the books now. Now, everything that was done to Moslems can be done to you, and there is literally nothing you can do about it.
So, here’s the single most important question you can ask: what did the Taliban do when the army of ZOG invaded their country?
They went to ground in the caves of their country, they bid their time, and waited for the Beast to exhaust itself. They held what territory they could in the interim, but understood that time was on their side, and the Beast couldn’t kill them all.
When the Beast had finally exhausted itself, they got into their trucks, and peacefully rode into the Capitol, as the forces of evil laid down their guns and made a path for them to the presidential palace, where there were no peace talks, no negotiations.
More than half of the Taliban forces that took Kabul were born after the armies of ZOG touched down in 2002.
We are going to win this war. Eventually.
Eventually, we will get in our trucks, and drive into Washington, where the ZOGbots will lay down their guns and make way for us to march on the White House. We will lower the rainbow flag, and burn it, and install a gigantic cross on the front lawn. We will announce that we are installing Nick Fuentes as President for Life.
We will say: “Babylon, that great city – she is fallen.”
The whores and faggots and traitors will be at the airport, screaming to be allowed on the next flight out to Tel Aviv. We will give them room, and when the last flight leaves, we will go in and clean up.
Understand this: the victory of the Taliban over the forces of Judaism, atheism, feminism, and homosexuality is a foreshadowing of our victory.
But also understand this: now is not the time to fight. The Beast has only just now consolidated its power, and it is at its strongest here in the United States, as it is now officially capable of acting without any form of restraint. For the first time, ever, they can now do whatever they want to anyone. They are still figuring out how to use that power, but you’re going to get a serious taste of it this fall, when the virus hammer comes down.
The plan as we know it is to collapse the economy and install a total technetronic control grid, where each person is marked and tagged with a biometric system hooked into a centralized 5G tracking database.
They are planning to shoot people with all kinds of “vaccines” in order to… well, we don’t really know what the plan is there, but we know that they are already experimenting with gene therapy. Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they are planning to use these injections to control people’s thoughts with electromagnetic waves. I don’t think that is what’s happening, I’m just telling you that I wouldn’t even be a little bit surprised by that.
Whatever the case, they have a vision of a completely automated system of total, brutal, organized control.
You want to get away from that.
You want to get out of the cities, into an area where the people will not go along with this system. You need to surround yourself with people who voted for Donald Trump, who are not vaxxed, who have guns, who are not going to let the feds come in and start pushing them around.
As we just saw in Afghanistan, this system does not have infinite resources. They are going to have a fair amount of trouble implementing this system in the cities. They’re not going to attempt to invade the rural areas until they have a total lock on the cities. I do not believe they will ever get a total lock on the cities, to the point where they feel like they have the resources to spend on trying to take the countryside.
There is a major disconnect within the system between the amount of power that these people now hold and their basic competence. The competence levels are extremely low. They are high on their own supply, believing their own moronic lies. They have been lying about everything for so long that they simply do not have a clear capacity to distinguish between what is true and what they just made up out of convenience.
There is absolutely zero chance that US intelligence knew that Kabul would fall as it did. There is no chance that they would have allowed this spectacle to unfold as it did, humiliating them in front of the entire world, and their own slaves. They believed their own lies about the situation on the ground, which led to the most embarrassing debacle in the history of the American Empire. These same people who screwed that up so horribly are the ones currently planning to install a technetronic control grid in the United States. This operation against “domestic terrorists” who think the election was fake and vaccines are dangerous is being run by the Democrats and the Pentagon.
Understand that: their current level of power is basically inversely correlated with their competence, given that competence is inversely correlated with the promotion system of the regime. For decades, the least competent people have been promoted specifically due to their lack of competence, which is marked by a willingness to conform to deranged idiocy.
We have not lost the war. We’ve lost a lot of battles, but that, we can now see, was inevitable.
We can compare what is happening right now – and what is going to happen in the fall – to the initial invasion of Afghanistan in 2002. It was pure shock and awe. Mass carpet bombing, mass slaughter with heavy artillery, capturing population centers by any means necessary, and so on.
This is when you go to ground. This is when you stay alive, and wait.
Time is on our side.
And so is God.
Patience is a virtue.
Get used to hunting, fishing and riding motorcycles on rough terrain.
This is the long haul now.
You need a plan to survive.
The political stuff is irrelevant now. Now, the mission is survival.