Gun Grabbers Get Surprise of Their Lives When Tidal Wave of Pro-2A Citizens Overwhelm Them at Anti-Gun Hearing

April 5, 2019 in News, Video by RBN Staff


The left will never stop in its constant assault on Americans’ right to keep and bear arms. Luckily, there are still patriots able and willing to step up and stop liberals right in their tracks.

Oregon lawmakers discovered this firsthand when they were confronted Tuesday with a tsunami of gun rights advocates and Second Amendment enthusiasts who showed up to protest a bill and its decidedly anti-gun amendment.

The original bill, SB 978, is less than half a page long.

The proposed amendment, however, adds 44 pages of restrictions and regulations, turning the bill into a gargantuan monstrosity of gun control. As a state gun rights group, Oregon Firearm Federation, explains, the amendment would restrict gun owner’s ability to defend themselves and make them subject to draconian gun control laws that leave the government broad interpretation powers.

According to OFF, the most damning part of the amendment is a provision that redefines “public buildings” in a way that could instantly turn law-abiding citizens into felons with the simple act of passing by one of these spaces.

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OFF called for gun advocates to show up at a hearing for the proposed bill and its amendment.

Pro-gun Oregonians responded in droves.

A Twitter video by Joey Nations, who came in second in the 2018 Republican primary for Congress in Oregon’s 5th District and is running again for 2020, shows the “hundreds” of people lined up to enter the hearings.

Embedded video

Joey Nations@joey_nations

We ROCKED the Senate Judiciary Committee today! Great testimonies. I’ll get video up later. Can’t give them an inch! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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During the hearing, citizens were allowed time at a microphone to voice their support or opposition to the bill and its amendments.

Nations and Cole Rainey, a supporter of Nations’ bid for Congress, tore into the socialist lawmakers and policies seeking to strip gun rights from law-abiding Oregon citizens.

Lawmakers were treated to a history lesson about past gun grabbers and the bloody results of their endeavors.

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But perhaps the most telling piece of evidence for Oregonians’ overwhelming contempt for this bill is a witness registration sheet.

The sheet, a registry for those wishing to testify on the measure, is a simple form. It only has a few columns for name, organization or county, and position on the issue.

Those in support of the measure, largely from gun control groups like Moms Demand Action and March for Our Lives, filled out three pages in total.

Opponents of the measure, likely independent citizens based on their listing only the counties of residency, swamped the forms. Fourteen pages of angry patriots from all over the state of Oregon made their name and values known.

The Oregon Statesman Journal, noting that the majority of those who turned out were opposed SB 978 and four anti-gun Oregon House bills that are also under consideration, described the scene like this:

“Onlookers and testifiers lined up well in advance of the hearings — the Senate in the morning and the House in the afternoon. And when space in the building’s largest hearing room was gone, they filled two additional hearing rooms to watch the proceedings.

“When seats were scarce in those rooms, people gathered around televisions outside the House and Senate chambers where chairs had been set up. Applause frequently broke out after a passionate testimony concluded or when a speaker made a critical point.”

Another work session on SB 978 is scheduled for April 8.

This is proof that there is power still in citizens’ hands. Wherever tyranny tries to rise up in America, a swell of men and women will show up to shut it down.

This won’t be the last we’ll hear from gun-grabbing groups, but hopefully there will always be patriots able and willing to stand up against them.