Indiana State Professor Committed Fake ‘Hate Crime’ Against Himself To Gain Sympathy

April 26, 2017 in News by RBN Staff

G Edward Griffin

Azhar Hussain, A Muslim professor of aviation technology at Indiana State University, lied about receiving threatening anti-Muslim emails and being attacked on campus.  He has been arrested and charged with a felony for obstruction of justice and misdemeanor harassment. [Have you noticed lately how many of the wacko actors on the so-called social-justice stage are teachers and professors? Still want to send your kids to college?] –GEG

A Muslim professor at Indiana State University lied about receiving threatening emails and being attacked on campus, police say.

Azhar Hussain, 56, assistant professor of aviation technology, was arrested on Friday and charged with felony charge of obstruction of justice and misdemeanor harassment, according to Terre Haute’s Tribune-Star.

On March 8, Hussain claimed to have received threatening emails containing anti-Muslim sentiments. And on March 24, Hussain claimed that he was attacked from behind while entering his campus office.

But the professor fabricated all of the incidents, police say.

“Based upon the investigation, it is our belief that Hussain was trying to gain sympathy by becoming a victim of anti-Muslim threats which he had created himself,” Indiana State University Police Chief Joseph Newport said Friday. “It is extremely unfortunate that this situation caused undue concern on other members of the ISU community.”

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