Is our own government trying to starve us? Whistleblower reveals U.S. government behind attacks on America’s food infrastructure
January 20, 2023 in News by RBN Staff
Source: Natural News
Is the United States government or some other malicious entity behind the dozens of mysterious food processing plant fires that occurred over the past year? EcoHealth Alliance whistleblower and bioterrorism expert Dr. Andrew Huff seems to think so.
The military veteran and scientist recently came forward as a whistleblower to present evidence of what appears to be an inside job: a “simulated” food supply attack operation that apparently went live.
Information contained in the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Food and Agriculture Sector Criticality Assessment Tool (FASCAT) clearly shows – or showed, since it has now been deleted – that all of the sites that went up in flames are the same ones the federal government had on a watchlist of vulnerable targets.
One of them, as we reported, occurred at a Minnesota chicken farm – this being one of dozens of other similar attacks in the United States. All around the world, there have actually been about 200 such attacks, all of a similar nature.
The FASCAT data showing this was officially deleted once Huff caught wind of it, but fortunately he saved a copy. Upon analysis, Huff discovered that the targeted locations match nearly all of the most critical systems in the dataset – meaning the food plants outlined on the watchlist are the very same ones that ended up being attacked in real life.
Huff tried to present these findings to DHS and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), but to no avail: they did not want to hear it and his concerns were completely ignored. Despite the fact that these are clear “terrorist attacks,” possibly carried out by the likes of the World Economic Forum (WEF), nobody in any formidable position of power in the U.S. seems to care or want to do anything about it.
Someone wants America’s food infrastructure to collapse
Huff recently spoke with Emerald Robinson on her “The Absolute Truth” program about the matter – you can watch a roughly 10-minute clip of that interview at the RAIR Foundation website.
In that interview, Huff explained in further detail that the government data he retrieved matches nearly to a T every single food facility that caught fire or was otherwise attacked last year. How can this be a coincidence?
Huff wants to believe that the U.S. government is not the responsible entity, and that someone else – possibly a globalist group like the WEF – simply retrieved the now-deleted data and used it to wage war on America’s food systems. There is a chance, though, that this really is a malicious inside job.
“By the government, this would have been classified as top secret without a doubt,” Huff says about the dataset. “But because academics did the work, it wasn’t classified.”
“So who could do this? Well, it could be an inside job. You could say it might be a false flag by the CIA – I don’t believe that; I don’t want to believe that. My belief is that a state-sponsored actor, or a group of people like the World Economic Forum, got a hold of these data and they could be working with a number of groups that are aligned against the United States to attack our infrastructure.”
Unfortunately, America’s food infrastructure is highly vulnerable. Because it lacks “guns, gates and guards,” virtually anyone with an agenda and the means could overtake and destroy it with less effort than you might think.
“This is commonly known info since those attacks commenced,” wrote a commenter. “Someone needs to bring this issue to the floor of the People’s House. They now are going to deprive us of food. Stocking up if you can, seems a prudent course of action.”
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