Italian Lawyer Alfio D’Urso Presents Evidence Against Arrested Leonardo Security Head Arturo D’Elia’s Involvement In US Election Hacking
January 15, 2021 in News by RBN Staff
Source: Great Game India
Italian Supreme Court lawyer Professor Alfio D’Urso has presented evidence against arrested Italian defense contractor Leonardo’s Security Head Arturo D’Elia’s involvement in the US Election hacking case. The information was presented to D’Urso by a high-level security services official who also stated that Arturo is willing to testify against all individuals and entities involving in the switching of votes. Arturo D’Elia served as IT security consultant at NATO’s Communication and Information Agency in Rome. He was also the Security Head for the Italian Defense contractor Leonardo SpA whose satellited were used in US Election hacking.

Leonardo’s involvement in US Election Hacking
As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, former CIA officer Bradley Johnson had revealed that Italian defense contractor Leonardo satellites were used in 2020 US Election hacking.
According to Johnson, Frankfurt servers only hosted partial tracks of the hacking. The operation to recalibrate the hacking attack took place through Leonardo servers and after this switching of numbers the new manipulated data was sent back to the Dominion voting machines in the US.
This data transfer explained the infamous “glitch” in Dominion Voting machines during the election, according to the officer.
The information was confirmed by former United States National Security Advisor General Flynn for which his account was banned by Twitter.

Who is Arturo D’Elia
Arturo D’Elia served as IT security consultant at NATO’s Communication and Information Agency in Rome between 2010 and 2015. He was also the Security Head for the Italian Defense contractor Leonardo SpA.

He developed a Linux Live Distibution for the perform forensics capturing data from devices storage which is used by Italian Police of the State and Military Corporation. D’Elia also developed a Sun Solaris vulnerability fix for US Air Force Pentagon Systems.