JANUARY 6TH HERO OF THE YEAR: A Special Tribute to Ashli Babbitt’s Mom from America’s Political Prisoners! BEAUTIFUL VIDEO and LETTERS!!
January 6, 2023 in News by RBN Staff
source: gatewaypundit
By Cara Castronuova
Published January 6, 2023 at 9:00am
*Guest author Kelly Wilde contributed to this article.
Today marks the two year anniversary of January 6th. Over one hundred political prisoners of the Biden Regime still languish in prison two years later, most of them pre-trial detainees being held UNCONSTITUTIONALLY.
But when there is darkness, a hero is bound to eventually emerge- and sometimes in the most unexpected form.
In this case, that hero is tiny Micki Witthoeft, the mother of slain warrior Ashli Babbitt. Micki moved to Washington DC from her home in San Diego, California, to become a voice for the voiceless- the January 6th Political Prisoner languishing inside the walls of DC Gitmo.
Micki has become a full time advocate for the prisoners of the Biden Regime and working around the clock to fight for their release, hosting a nightly vigil for the past 160 days and counting.
“Micki has brought hope to these poor men in despair,” said Cara Castronuova of Citizens Against Political Persecution. “She has shown unconditional love to the ‘most hated’ and forgotten group in America… and literally brought light to these men at the darkest, most terrifying time of their lives. What a legacy for the rest of us to aspire to live by. Micki Witthoeft is hands down one of the most insanely gorgeous people I have ever had the honor of calling a friend. Her heart is pure gold.”
Since showing up in DC on August 1st, 2022, Micki has shown incredible strength in her rise as an unlikely civil rights leader, directing the horrific pain she endures due to her daughter Ashli Babbitt’s public execution to supercharge her to fight the good fight. She fights for a group of men that were part of the historic day her daughter’s life was taken by Capitol Police Officer Michael Byrd…sadly Micki lost her only daughter, but has become the spontaneous Mother of a movement.
“This work makes me feel closer to Ashli,” said Micki. “If she were still alive, I know my daughter would be here on the steps of the jail protesting until every one of these prisoners were released. I feel her here with me.”
“Her name is Micki Witthoeft but the detainees in the DC Gulag call her Mama Micki. Make no mistake, she is the face of the Jan 6 movement for truth.” — J6 political prisoner Peter Stager, in a letter of gratitude for Micki from his cell block in DC Gitmo. See Peter’s full letter HERE.
Watch this video to learn more about Micki’s movement:
For five months Micki has been in the trenches advocating for the constitutional and civil rights of the condemned Jan 6ers, who have been denied adequate access to counsel, family visitation, and even basic medical care, barred from their own discovery, unlawfully detained for nearly two years, and publicly convicted before trial in a hostile district.
“Meanwhile the treatment is horrendous. We are witnessing blatant violations of the Geneva Convention protocols against cruel and inhumane treatment,” said Randy Ireland of Americans for Justice, who has been by Micki’s side every day,sometimes working 20 hours a day. “We’re doing this to educate America that these constitutional, human and civil rights abuses are going on.”
“[During my trial] I had two mothers present and watching from the gallery. Weeks later when the verdict came and I feared that no face I knew would be there for support, I saw that you did not leave me alone.” — Political Prisoner Kyle Fitzsimons in a letter of gratitude to Micki as he languishes in prison. See Kyle’s full letter HERE.
***Support Micki and her movement HERE so she can stay in Washington D.C. and fight for our Political Prisoners.
Despite all of her grief, Micki is at the DC courthouse almost every day attending trials and sentencing hearings—sometimes the only warm face to console the prisoner on trial in a frigid room packed with Deep State Demons like DC Prosecutors, Biased Judges and fake news media. Micki has held press conferences in front of the Capitol, organized rallies, and tirelessly spoken to the media. She has picked men up from release, and dropped men off for surrender.
And each night, for 160 consecutive nights, she has held a popular vigil outside the DC jail that gives a platform to the men there—and those in 16 jails across the country—who for so long have been silenced and ignored.
“They say if you build it they will come,” said Castronuova. “And unique and wonderful people come from all over the nation to stand with Micki in solidarity, similar to the way the group of runners organically started following Forrest Gump. It has been amazing to watch.”
See this touching video of a special moment at Micki’s rally outside DC Gitmo:
Micki is there every night for the detained men to call her phone and speak to the world via a speaker system set up by her group. This includes holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas.”
***Support Micki and her movement HERE so she can stay in Washington D.C. and fight for our Political Prisoners.
“She never stops working,” Ireland said about the grit it takes to keep going. “There’s just this exhaustion factor. Every day at the court house, every night at the vigil until midnight. In the rain, 12 degrees outside, with a windchill of 20 below. But Micki is determined. She’s there to give a voice to the voiceless. And that’s what we’ve been doing there for five months.”
It has been the opposite of easy. Micki has been verbally attacked with obscenities by low-life far leftists and Antifa lunatic goons, physically assaulted by a heavy-handed correctional officer, and endured the desecration of her daughter’s memorial and legacy by morons.
“Micki believes that if Ashli were still with us, this is exactly where she would be—fighting for justice for the J6 hostages,” said Ireland. “That is the very essence of the #4Ashli movement. And until justice is served, that’s exactly where she’s going to be.”
Successes have been slow-going and hard-won, but their work has affected real change.
“We launched a huge call-in campaign to the Marshalls office that basically broke their phone lines,” said Ireland about one event. “It resulted in that lieutenant (Lancaster) being suspended, pending investigation.”
“People have written me and said that we are charging the Country up, and that they have been compelled to get involved in this grassroots movement since getting to know us all through the nightly vigil. Mama Micki is not only the matriarch for the J6 family and activists worth their salt, but she has become the very nucleus of the J6 America First Movement.”— said Political Prisoner Sean McHugh in a letter from his cell of appreciation for Micki- see full letter HERE.
Through a motley crew group of dedicated live-streamers sharing their craft, thousands of people can listen to the vigil for firsthand testimony of the abuse happening inside the prison system, and hear daily briefings from the intentionally-obfuscated federal courts, where the judges are as politically charged as the juries.
***Support Micki and her movement HERE.
Realtime emergency alerts have rallied hundreds of phone calls, moved pre-trial prisoners out of perilous conditions, and gotten the attention of the real President, who called into the rally in support of Micki and the prisoners.
“We plan on being here and standing in solidarity until it’s over,” Micki said on what would have been Ashli’s 37th birthday.
Her constant presence has given the indefinitely-detained men of January 6th the strength to keep going.
“You are the mother of an amazing veteran and hero, Ashli Babbitt, and you are the mother of the J6ers. Nobody else has done what you have done. Your heart is in it for the right reasons.” — Billy Chrestman (Political Prisoner) in a letter to Micki.
Ten men of the DC Gulag wrote letters to Mama Micki and the American people expressing their incalculable gratitude to her on the two year anniversary of January 6th.
Read their ten heart-felt letters in full here.
One letter, from Political Prisoner and United States Marine James McGrew is published below:
from James McGrew, Prisoner #377892
Who is Michelle Witthoeft? To me she is “Momma Micki” and it’s her unconditional love for others that inspires in me a daily renewed spirit of selfless love and courage. Its in her that I find during my struggles that fire to carry on during my worst days. Micki has been a spiritual Light of Hope and Unity amongst the guys here in the DC jail. She has truly been my beacon of Truth and Freedom.
I want to share a quick story with you about the direct impact a single person can have on another persons life when they so selflessly give themselves to the servitude of others.
I was struggling the other day, more than usual. My mind was wrestling and tormented with many things, incarceration during the holidays, lawyers, sentencing approaching, my family, my children, a life lost, how many more years will I be away from my family. I was beating myself up pretty bad and was very near tears. Its not that I didn’t want to cry, only that I’m unsure at this point if I’m capable of crying or if I even have any tears left. I remember walking out of my cell and to the phones. I was going to make a phone call but all the phones were busy. So I was standing there and I’m sure I looked lost as the room was starting to disappear as I drifted further and further into my thoughts. I heard my name being called by one of the other guys I’m detained with. It caught me by surprise because it wasn’t my turn for the phone. His arm was outstretched as he was passing the phone in my direction. He was saying, “Some people want to talk to you.” When I placed the phone to my ear there was a crowd of people yelling my name saying, “James we love you!” And at that moment tears rolled down my face. I hid my face so no one else could see and someone on the other end of the phone started asking me how I was doing and I said, “I’m OK, I think I’m good.” because in that exact moment I was. It was simple, a group of strangers telling me they love me and they care about me made the worry and pain drift away as fast as it enters.
It’s the power and strength of Gods love and will for all of our lives. This phone call was outside to the nightly vigil that has been outside the jail for the past 4 months.
The DC jail vigil is the creation of a few Patriotic Americans, but would not be outside the DC jail if it were not for Momma Micki. It’s been her tireless effort and steadfast commitment to Truth and Justice that has attracted so many J6 defendants, to include myself, a voice and hope in the midst of our trials and tribulation.
Momma Micki lost her beautiful daughter on January 6th, Ashli Babbitt. Ashli is my Angel and I know she is guarding Heavens gates. She continues to watch over all of us. I have no doubt in this. No words could express the depths of my hearts void from never being able to meet such a beautiful person. It’s every day I am able to witness her beautiful spirit through her mothers eyes. I am forever indebted for her Ashli’s love, service, and sacrifice to her country.
I am encouraged out of Prayer and Love to want to give a piece of myself to someone who has truly given their all to me and so many more. I have asked others to share with you their experiences and love for an Angel we know as the Mother of the J6 Movement, “Momma Micki”.
Always With Love,
James McGrew
Prisoner #377892
Despite everything that has been done, the work has only just begun. To support this movement, visit: www.4ashli.com
To recognize January 6th as Patriot’s Day for those who fought, suffered and died for freedom against a corrupt, tyrannical government, sign here.
To witness the letters written by James McGrew, Kyle Fitzsimons, Sean McHugh, Jonathan Mellis, Billy Chrestman, Bobby Gieswein, Anonymous, Bart Shively, David Dempsey, Peter Stager, go here.
***Support Micki and her movement HERE.
“Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them.” -Hebrews 13:3