Leftists Marching from Charlottesville to D.C. to Demand Trump’s REMOVAL

August 29, 2017 in News by RBN Staff

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Radical leftists have more trouble in the offing.

They are planning a ten-day march ‘against white supremacy’ and calling for the removal of President Donald Trump.

From Fox News Insider:

Protesters are planning a march starting from Charlottesville, Virginia to Washington, D.C. to fight white supremacy and demand that President Trump be removed from office.

“The March to Confront White Supremacy” will spend ten days starting on Monday, August 28 travelling to the nation’s capitol and then occupy it with non-violent demonstrations.

“For years, white supremacist violence, rhetoric, and policies have escalated and intensified – exploding during Donald Trump’s run for president and reaching a boiling point in Charlottesville,” the website for the event reads.

Despite the fact that Trump condemned white supremacist groups at great length and without reservation, they want to use the media’s distortion of what he said to push the fiction that Trump is somehow supportive of white supremacists.

“We demand that President Trump to be removed from office for allying himself with this ideology of hate and we demand an agenda that repairs the damage it’s done to our country and its people,” the march organizers wrote.

They are calling the march a ‘civil disobedience’ march so expect blocking highways and likely rioting.

And another threat?

“This will be a sustained civil disobedience campaign, so bring what you need to stay,” they continued.

They have indicated they may be planning an Occupy type of situation where they attempt to hold an area and occupy it, living and staying there, while they agitate.

Not good.

These people need to be cut off at the pass.

And it would behoove police to block them from entering and settling in parks in D.C.

Or like vermin, it may be awhile until you get them out…