August 16, 2022 in News by RBN Staff
source: blacklistednews
Published: August 16, 2022
With the concept of transsexuality being widely promoted by the corporate media, leftist parents, public school teachers and many western governments, it’s no wonder so many children are starting to feel like they need to join the trend and signal their virtue. In general, most children want to make the adults around them happy and the pressure to conform to gender identity fads is immense.
Tavistock, the only gender and sex change clinic in Britain, went from treating around 130 child patients per year in 2010 to treating nearly 2400 in 2021. In fact, the clinic was facing overwhelming demand for services by the time it was finally shut down, and numerous proponents of sex change treatment for children argued that MORE clinics like Tavistock would soon be needed.
What changed in the past decade? Not the percentage of people born with gender dysphoria; that would be statistically impossible. The only thing that has changed is that Trans identity politics are now a fad and young people are being specifically targeted with trans propaganda.
The controversy around Tavistock deepened in 2020, when the center was taken to court by Keira Bell, a former patient, who argued she had been too young to consent to the medical treatment overseen by the GIDS that began her female-to-male transition as a teenager. Bell won her initial case but it was overturned on appeal, with the court of appeal reaffirming the principle of Gillick competence that “it was for doctors and not judges to decide on the capacity of a person under 16 to consent to medical treatment.”
In other words, it’s up to the same doctors that have a political agenda and stand to make considerable money by conning children and teens into believing they are trans. These doctors, with no science whatsoever to back their claims on gender identity, are the people that get to decide if your child needs gender affirmation drugs or surgeries in the UK.
Tavistock’s shut down reaffirms the growing concerns among the public about the deceptive nature of gender ideology and the fact that children with no legitimate understanding of sexuality have been mutilated chemically and physically in the name of political cultism rather than personal health. It has been recently revealed that the clinic is also facing a massive lawsuit of at least 1000 families of former patients and the list is expanding daily.
Much like abortion doctors, gender affirmation doctors seem much more preoccupied with political activism than fulfilling the principles and demands of their own profession. Beyond the temptation for such doctors to exploit unwitting and underage patients in order to make large sums of money through government grants and insurance payoffs, there is also the temptation to artificially inflate the demand for sex change services as a way to fabricate “proof” that gender politics are as pervasive as they assert.
In other words, brainwash people when they are young and they will grow up to join the cult when they are adults. It’s about manufacturing a destructive political movement by manufacturing consent. Get them to commit to irreversible gender reassignment as children and maybe they will be trapped within the leftist fold for the rest of their lives. The Tavistock Clinic is now closed, but there are more of these clinics across the western world and the monstrous nature of their mission still has not been adequately addressed.