National Gun Registry Opposition Petition Now Circulating
May 13, 2015 in News by RBN Staff
Source: John’s Email
You may have heard last week a federal appellate court ruled the Obama NSA-led program to gather phone records from millions of Americans unconstitutional.
This is good news.
But for the privacy of gun owners, it’s not enough.
You see, the narrow ruling only focuses on the existing spying program we know of.
It does nothing to eliminate the bulk collection of firearms records that the Obama and his anti-gun pals could be secretly scooping up under Section 215 of the so-called “PATRIOT Act”.
This could amount to a backdoor NATIONAL GUN REGISTRY.
Fortunately, the whole section of law is set to expire soon, so I need your help to see that it does.
Your petition will urge lawmakers not to renew the anti-gun Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act that allowed unconstitutional spying and could be used to create a backdoor gun registry.
Thank you for taking action now.
— Kate P.
Dear Fellow Patriot,
President Obama and his pals at the NSA are tracking and cataloging your phone records, texts, and emails . . .
. . . they also want to keep your private internet chats, “buddy lists,” Facebook posts, and records of online purchases.
But we’re supposed to believe they’d NEVER EVER use that unconstitutional domestic spying power to start registering guns???
I don’t buy it. Not for a second.
And I hope you don’t either.
Ever since the NSA Spying scandal broke in 2013, Capitol experts have been warning gun owners we could be next.
After Section 215 of the so-called “PATRIOT Act” was abused by the Obama Administration to scoop up bulk electronic communications, the danger of a backdoor National Gun Registry has never been greater.
The good news is it’s set to expire in just a few days.
Unfortunately, House Speaker John Boehner is getting ready to try and RAM through an expansion of this unconstitutional law.
That’s why I hope you’ll sign your “Stop the Backdoor National Gun Registry” EMERGENCY FAX PETITION right now!
Your petition will urge lawmakers not to renew the anti-gun Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act that allowed unconstitutional spying and could be used to create a backdoor gun registry.
Many Second Amendment supporters have been up in arms about this section of federal law for years.
But you and I have only recently come to understand just how deeply the PATRIOT Act is being abused and how it could also lead to a backdoor national gun registry.
In the last few days things have gotten even more urgent.
You see, last week a court ruled these programs unconstitutional, but House Speaker John Boehner is DEMANDING Congress reauthorize this section of law anyway.
To “get around” the ruling, capitol experts say he’s also leading an effort to expand the PATRIOT Act to allow the spying continue.
There’s very little time to act before Congress rolls over to Boehner’s demands, or this section finally expires.
Fellow Patriot, when it comes to the unintended consequences of the PATRIOT Act, I wish we could just tell them “I told you so.”
Take a look at what the text of Section 215 says.
Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act says the FBI may consort with a secret FISA Kangaroo-court to compel the following information be turned over to the government:
“library circulation records, library patron lists, book sales records, book customer lists, firearms sales records, tax return records, educational records, or medical records”–50 U.S. Code § 1861 (a) (3) |
Legal experts warn if Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act enabled the Obama Administration to scoop up millions of electronic communications, the same law could have even more dangerous repercussions for gun owners.
Since the PATRIOT Act was passed over a decade afterCongress supposedly “banned” a national gun registry, they’re saying the President would only need to snap his fingers to start gathering:
*** Gun Purchase Records, including credit card records, check images from your bank, gun shop receipts, and even the form 4473 you filled out for the background check;
*** Hunting or Sporting gear purchases,magazine subscription records or even gun show attendance records (by scanning license plates in the parking lot as the DEA planned to do);
*** Concealed weapons permit lists, firearms training certificates, or hunting permit applications; and,
*** Private medical records of gun owners.
Section 215 contains a provision supposedly protecting First Amendment activities but it was ignored.
Since Section 215 explicitly attacks your Second Amendment rights, there’s no reason to believe President Obama wouldn’t abuse it for backdoor gun control too.
In fact, to clarify that the PATRIOT Act included the authority to go after your gun rights, lawmakers added “firearms sales records” to the 2005 re-authorization.
And in 2011, when U.S. Senator Rand Paul tried to undo this damage, anti-gunners blocked his pro-gun fix.
The truth is, President Obama and his Big Government pals like John Boehner will use promises of “safety” and “security” as a Trojan Horse to DESTROY our gun rights and all of our other constitutionally-protected freedoms.
After the extent of the phone record program was exposed in 2013, we may not even know how far they’ve gone to seize Americans firearms records already.
Section 215 isn’t the only provision of the PATRIOT Act dangerous to gun owners . . .
. . . provisions allowing for government spying, and roving wiretaps, make it all the easier to zero in on unsuspecting law-abiding gun owners.
Now, don’t get me wrong, after seeing despicable videos of Americans being beheaded . . .
. . . after reading stories of women and children being assassinated because they didn’t immediately convert to one terrorist group’s favorite brand of Islam,
Who doesn’t support going after radical freedom-hating terrorists?
The sad truth is the world is a dangerous place.
Not every single person living in America loves this country as you and I do, and terrorism can and has hit us at home.
With proper court orders and surveillance, we can and should bring terrorists and violent criminals to justice.
But you and I both know there are also plenty of those in government who are willing to abuse every power you and I give them to take more of our freedoms.
And it isn’t even working.
The NSA and FBI have admitted as much. They can’t identify a single time these PATRIOT Act provisions thwarted an attempted terrorist attack.
Instead, the Obama Administration is more worried about people who have “right-wing” political views.
Being pro-gun or pro-individual rights apparently makes you a suspected “terrorist”, according to a 2009 report from Obama’s Department of Homeland Security.
That’s why the U.S. Constitution’s Fourth Amendment protects us against unreasonable search and seizure.
Under these protections, government officials need a warrant and probable cause to start snooping around on individual citizens.
But under Section 215 of the so-called “PATRIOT Act” all that is out the window.
Government officials can seize anything they want containing information about any number of Americans without any evidence of wrongdoing.
They just have to ask a secret FISA kangaroo “court” to sign off!
Sadly, that’s how a FISA kangaroo court rubber-stamped government demands to FORCE Verizon to hand over millions of phone records a day on law-abiding American citizens!
That’s how our federal government grew to collect BILLIONS of phone records, emails and Internet activity and even GPS locations!
With this unprecedented power, our federal government has the ability to track, trace and register virtually anything it wants about us — including gun ownership.
Do you trust the President who issued 25 anti-gun Executive Orders with this power?
Do you trust the the administration that attempted to BAN popular AR-15 “green tip” ammo?
Would you trust a possible future anti-gun President like Hillary Clinton with this power, the corrupt broker of the U.N. “Small Arms Treaty,” with this power?
Republican House Speaker John Boehner apparently says “yes!”
But if your answer is a resounding “NO”, then I hope you’ll take action right away, before it’s too late.
The good news is, you and I have an opportunity to stop this Government abuse of your Second and Fourth Amendment rights before Congress expands it.
Your petition will urge lawmakers not to renew the anti-gun Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act that allowed unconstitutional spying and could be used to create a backdoor gun registry.
With June around the corner, this fight could happen fast!
Lawmakers in both parties know ordinary Americans are growing increasingly skeptical about the so-called “PATRIOT Act”.
They’ve been hearing the rumblings from pro-liberty gun owners like you over the past few weeks.
This has prompted them to threaten NAGR staff that any attempt to end anti-gun provisions like Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act will be considered “hostile.”
Let’s send a message loud and clear:
Do NOT expand — do NOT extend — any unconstitutional or anti-gun provision of the so-called “PATRIOT Act“.
Repeal Section 215 now!
Thank you for taking action.
For Freedom,
Dudley Brown
National Association for Gun Rights
P.S. After Section 215 of the so-called “PATRIOT Act” was abused by the Obama Administration to scoop up bulk electronic communications, the danger of a backdoor national gun registry has never been greater.
Congress will debate renewing key parts of the PATRIOT Act this week, and they need to hear from you.
That’s why I hope you’ll sign your “Stop the Backdoor National Gun Registry” EMERGENCY FAX PETITION right now!
Your petition will urge lawmakers not to renew the anti-gun Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act that allowed unconstitutional spying and could be used to create a backdoor gun registry.
The National Association for Gun Rights is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens’ organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Constitutionally protected right-to-keep-and-bear-arms through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to anti-gun legislation. The National Association for Gun Rights’ mailing address is P.O. 7002, Fredericksburg, VA 22404. They can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570. Its web address is
Not produced or e-mailed at taxpayer expense.