URGENT: Sign this petition to ban the use of George Soros voting machines in midterm elections

  Source: NewsTarget   Voter fraud is real – especially when elections are handled electronically using questionable machinery owned and operated by none other than George Soros, enemy number one of the
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Congress: Investigate Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty

  Source: CLICK HERE   We, the undersigned, support the USS Liberty survivors’ request for a thorough, honest, official investigation of the attack on their ship. We are calling for
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National Gun Registry Opposition Petition Now Circulating

Source: John’s Email 05-13-2015 You may have heard last week a federal appellate court ruled the Obama NSA-led program to gather phone records from millions of Americans unconstitutional. This is
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Sign this petition to protect children against inhumane forced vaccinations

Source: Natural News Denying a young girl public education, barring her from interacting with her peers — this is what the New York City Board of Education decided to do
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