Of documents and the deep state
April 25, 2018 in News by RBN Staff
Source: One News Now
It looks like Republicans in Congress may finally get a trove of documents the Justice Department has been hiding about the Hillary Clinton email scandal.
Congressmen Bob Goodlatte (R-Virginia) and Trey Gowdy (R-South Carolina) met earlier this month with a Department of Justice attorney and negotiated the release of documents related to the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server. They had been subpoenaed months earlier but were being held up – provoking House Republicans to accuse the DOJ of stonewalling their investigations in abuses within the FBI.
“I want to be able to support the FBI and DOJ,” a frustrated Gowdy told Fox News on Sunday, “but the world’s premier law enforcement agency can’t seem to operate a d— copying machine. That is inexplicable …. We are tired of being patient. We want the information or we want a really good explanation of why [they’re] not producing it.”
American Family Association‘s Walker Wildmon says the “deep state” was probably behind the delay.
“It shouldn’t take weeks upon months upon months and, at this point, probably a little over a year for Congress to receive documents,” Wildmon tells OneNewsNow. “They should have received these documents months ago with ease on the dates that they were due.”
The AFA spokesman says recent discoveries about the related investigation into the Clinton Foundation could be a preview of what Goodlatte and Gowdy see in the email papers. It was revealed this week that someone high in the Justice Department called then-FBI Director Andrew McCabe and pressured him to drop the Clinton Foundation probe.
“These documents,” says Wildmon, “might provide proof that top levels of the DOJ and maybe even the Obama White House were heavily involved in some way of slowing down or stopping altogether any Clinton investigation.”
As for any legal action against Clinton or her allies? “I think it would have to be very, very explicit evidence … that someone in the Obama White House took direction from the president himself to squash an investigation or end it in some form or fashion,” Wildmon offers. “That might lead to some criminal charges or, at a minimum, a new investigation.”
He says all conservatives are asking for is equal treatment under the law. And all Goodlatte and Gowdy have asked for is a timely response to their requests.
Editor’s Note: The American Family Association is the parent organization of the American Family News Network, which operates OneNewsNow.com.