On Brexit Day the Times They are a’Changing

February 1, 2020 in News, Video by RBN Staff

source: tomluongo.me
by Tom Luongo

It’s finally here after three and a half years, Brexit Day. The U.K. is formally out of the European Union.

And from where I’m sitting it looks like they are only just getting started.

For now though, on Saturday the transition period begins where nothing traumatic changes except that there is no longer the threat of Nigel Farage giving the odious European Parliament what for on a regular basis.

And from where I’m sitting it looks like they are only just getting started.

For now though, on Saturday the transition period begins where nothing traumatic changes except that there is no longer the threat of Nigel Farage giving the odious European Parliament what for on a regular basis.

I will miss this. It’s been some of my most favorite television of the last fifteen years. And watching him get cut off is that moment when, for the first time, the mask finally slipped.

Farage was singing and for once they didn’t hear the Swedish National Anthem. They heard him loud and clear.

And the most stirring thing in that speech was Farage’s promise to keep going, to continue opposing the European Union.

Because Brexit is just the beginning of something larger and it’s savvy of Farage to note it in his farewell two fingers up to the EU.

The European Union just lost its first major battle against the people it rules with a disdainful technocratic fist.


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