PART 1 – A Midterm Primer: Steve Bannon and Jim Hoft Discuss THE IMPOSSIBLE RESULTS OF THE 2020 ELECTION On The War Room (VIDEO)

October 6, 2022 in News by RBN Staff


Source: Gateway Pundit



On Monday The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft joined Steve Bannon on The War Room to discuss our 2022 Midterm Action List that we released on Monday morning.

The list includes the Seven Steps You Can Take to Save Our Elections from Fraud-

In our first segment Jim Hoft and Steve Bannon “define the problem” and discuss the several impossibilities of the 2020 presidential election results.

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Included in this segment – Joe Biden’s IMPOSSIBLE Victory:

** Trump won MORE VOTES than any sitting president in history!! Increased his 2016 results by 12 million votes!
** Trump won every bellwether county except one… 16 of 17
** Trump won EVERY traditional bellwether state – Iowa, Florida, Ohio – every winner since 1960 has won these states — until Trump in 2020!
** Trump won all 27 battleground US House races in 2020.
** Counties: Biden won 81 million votes and 509 counties in the Nov. 3 election, while Trump won 74 million votes and 2,547 counties, according to data aggregated by think tank the Brookings Institute. Obama won 69 million votes and 873 counties in 2008. –USA Today
** Trump won more non-white votes than any GOP candidate since 1960
** Trump won more women and voters of color in 2020 than he did in 2016.

What we witnessed:

** Late Night drops… Stopped the counting… Perfect Algorithms by the voting machines
** The late night VAN into the Detroit TCF Center
** Ballot Drop Boxes…..
** Blocked from Counting Rooms
** Public support!— Trump has one million at rallies
Joe Biden gets 20 people in his rally circles including staff and media
** Dragging in ballots DAYS AFTER ELECTION!

** Who are Biden Voters?
The Huffington Post credited “low-income voters” with giving Joe Biden the win.
Where the margin of Biden’s victory was a squeaker-thin 3% or less, low-income Americans accounted for 34% to 45% of the voting population (Arizona 39.96%), Georgia (37.84%), Michigan (37.81%), Nevada (35.78%), North Carolina (43.67%), Pennsylvania (34.12%) and Wisconsin (39.80%), according to the study.

Here is Steve Bannon and Jim Hoft on THE IMPOSSIBLE RESULTS OF THE 2020 ELECTION–

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