Paul Ryan Gets Standing Ovation at Koch Donors Retreat After Repudiating Trump’s Trade Policies… Nehlen: Paul Ryan a ‘Soulless Globalist’ ‘Grown in a Petri Dish in DC’ Who Puts ‘Corporate America’ Over WI Workers

August 3, 2016 in News by RBN Staff

via: IWB

JANESVILLE, WI — House Speaker Paul Ryan received a standing ovation from wealthy donors after denouncing the views of Republican voters, who are skeptical of so-called “free trade” deals.

Speaking at a lavish retreat for 400 donors hosted by a network helmed by libertarian billionaires Charles and David Koch, Paul Ryan suggested it was incumbent upon the Party to “repudiate” the views of Republican voters, who do not support Ryan and his donors’ trade agenda.

Ryan reportedly assured donors that he will work to “win some of these fights” and advance their agenda on trade — presumably meaning that Ryan plans to push through the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement, supported by GOP donors.

The Washington Post reports that Ryan’s message was warmly received by those in attendance at the elite retreat — noting that Ryan was “clearly a favorite” amongst the network of donors:

The House speaker is clearly a favorite of the Koch donor network, and he was received with a standing ovation and whoops. The audience interrupted him several times with hearty applause.

Nehlen: Paul Ryan a ‘Soulless Globalist’ ‘Grown in a Petri Dish in DC’ Who Puts ‘Corporate America’ Over WI Workers

Paul Ryan challenger Paul Nehlen said of Ryan in an interview Tuesday withBreitbart News DailySiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon that Ryan “says he’s a conservative from the conservative wing of the Republican Party. He is a soulless globalist from the Democrat wing of the Uni-Party. That’s what he is.”

Nehlen continued, “He is all in for the cheapest possible labor for Wall Street. That’s what Paul Ryan’s in for. Paul Ryan’s in for Paul Ryan.” Added Nehlen, “Can you name the last time Paul Ryan worked as hard for Wisconsin workers as he has for corporate America? I can’t. I can’t think of one time.”

Must see video on the traitor Paul Ryan! He’s got to go! OUT! OUT! OUT! Centipedes in Wisconsin’s 1st district, VOTE PAUL NEHLEN ON AUG 9TH!

Paul Nehlen: Paul Ryan the Most Open Border Member of Congress, Supports Soulless Globalism

Businessman Paul Nehlen lashed out at Speaker Paul Ryan Tuesday on Lou Dobbs’s show. Nehlen blamed Ryan for negotiating the worst trade policy in US history. He accused Ryan of supporting soulless globalism.