Phoenix Mayor Not Happy About ‘Provocative’ Muhammad Cartoon Contest
May 29, 2015 in News by RBN Staff
A Phoenix man is planning an anti-Islam rally with a Muhammad cartoon contest for later today, and the mayor of Phoenix isn’t exactly happy about that.
Source: Media ITE
Josh Feldman | 3:45 pm, May 29th, 2015
Mayor Greg Stanton repeatedly told CNN’s Carol Costello this morning that he’s going to do all he can to make sure the First Amendment rights of the protesters are protected, and police will be there to stop any potential violence.
But at the same time, he said, “just because someone has a First Amendment right to do something doesn’t make it a good idea.” Stanton believes this is “being done in a purposefully provocative way” and would rather not see it happen. But at long as it does, he’ll make sure it’s protected.

On May 29, bikers in Phoenix, Arizona, are holding a “Draw Muhammad” contest outside the mosque at the Islamic Community Center of Phoenix (
Watch the video below, via CNN:
[h/t TPM]
[image via screengrab]
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