Poland defends itself against LGBT insanity while America surrenders its children to mentally ill perverts and pedophiles

January 5, 2020 in News by RBN Staff

source: www.naturalnews.com

More than 80 different localities throughout the great nation of Poland have declared themselves to be “LGBTQ-free zones,” according to reports, and the rainbow brigade is not happy about it.

Disgusted with the continued spread of gross perversions like “Drag Queen Story Hour” coming out of the West, Poland is being forced to either accept or reject it – and the consensus seems to be to reject it.

Unlike the United States, where even the so-called “churches” are either ignoring, or in many cases promoting, society’s swirl down the toilet, Poland is actually trying to preserve its religious, cultural and moral heritage and set itself apart from Mystery Babylon and its doctrines of demons.

Since the LGBTQ mafia is showing no signs of letting up with its child-indoctrinating agenda, Poland, or at least parts of Poland, are taking a bold stand that’s already being condemned by the beast system that surrounds it.

The European Parliament, which is dominated by godless globalists, recently voted 463 to 107 in condemnation of Poland for its “discrimination against LGBTQ people.” A resolution also calls on the Polish government “to revoke discriminatory measures such as the ‘LGBTQ-free zones.’”