This will never work without having Martial Law implemented
March 16, 2020 in News by RBN Staff
Will the National Guard be called in to CHECK our PAPERS, and to ask where we are going? … Call ahead to verify that we actually have a scheduled appointment, or will they just access the backdoor of all these businesses (using their spy technology), as these operating systems were all designed to allow the government to snoop on us?
This Sounds just like East Germany during the war.
I know all about this, as my mother lived through all the Secret Police surveillance.“Show us your papers.”
– Steve Elkins
Source: Daily Mail
San Francisco announces three week lockdown: Residents are BANNED from leaving home after midnight on Tuesday for anything but doctor’s visits or grocery shops to fight coronavirus
- San Francsisco mayor London Breed is about to announce a lockdown that will last until April 7
- People will not be allowed to leave home after midnight on Tuesday for anything but doctors visits or grocery store shops
- Six counties in the wider bay area have told residents to ‘shelter in place’ for all non-essential travel
- Governor Cuomo announced on Monday the state of New York’s bars, restaurants, movie theaters and gyms will close at 8pm
- New Jersey is enacting a curfew of 8pm until 5am – people should only leave their homes for essential travel between those hours
- The governor did not define what ‘essential travel’ was or what will happen to anyone who does leave their home between those hours without an excuse
- Cuomo wants Trump to issue shut down rules to bars and restaurants across the country but is frustrated that he won’t
- There are now more than 4,000 cases in America, 950 in the state of New York and more than 300 in New York City
- 74 people have died but all experts and officials say numbers will continue to rise drastically
- Trump said on Monday the current crisis could last until August but said he was not considering a lockdown
- Coronavirus symptoms: what are they and should you see a doctor?
San Francisco’s mayor has announced an unprecedented three week lockdown that will begin on Tuesday at midnight and which bans anyone from leaving their home for anything other than doctor’s visits or trips to the supermarket.
In addition to the lockdown in city parameters, six counties in the Bay Area are being told to ‘shelter in place’.
The lockdown is the strictest action to be taken in America. Anyone who breaks it faces legal repercussions.
It will last until April 7. Mayor London Breed called it a ‘defining moment’ on Monday morning.
‘This is going to be a defining moment for our city.
‘We all have a responsibility to do our part to protect our neighbors and slow the spread of this virus by staying at home unless it is absolutely essential to go outside,’ she said.
President Trump has stopped short of a national shutdown, much to the criticism of governors and mayors who are calling on him to take federal action to block the spread.
At a White House briefing on Monday afternoon, he urged all Americans not to gather in groups of 10 or more and told people not to go to restaurants, bars or food courts but did not issue a shut down.
New York, New Jersey and Connecticut have taken a tri-state approach to closures, with a shut down of closing bars and restaurants at 8pm on Monday night for ‘as long as necessary’ along with casinos, gyms and movie theaters.
New Jersey has also launched a statewide ‘curfew’ between the hours of 8pm and 5am for all ‘non essential travel’ but it is unclear what that is or what will happen to anyone who does not follow the rules.
The city of San Francisco announced on Monday that a three week lockdown is going to be issued on Tuesday at midnight

The main hallway of the Ferry Building Marketplace is mostly empty in San Francisco
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has advised officials across the United States to crack down on large gatherings of more than 50 people for at least eight weeks as the governors of California, Illinois and Ohio close all of the bars in their states
Five counties in San Francisco have ordered people to ‘shelter in place’ as of midnight. San Francisco city has legally banned people from leaving their homes for three weeks, with only shopping at supermarkets and doctors visits allowed
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy has not confirmed whether or not people will be able to go to work between those hours or how he plans to enforce it, but is only saying that he ‘strongly discourages’ anyone from leaving home between those hours.
Mayor London Breed called it a ‘defining moment’ on Monday morning
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced the shutdown in a tweet on Monday morning after urging Trump to shut down the country to fight coronavirus and said the current ‘patchwork quilt’ system of some states being more vigilant than others is not working.
The order applies to New York City too.
The shut-down had been planned for Tuesday morning at 9am.
Cuomo sped it up on Monday, saying the tri-state decided to take matters into their own hands after a lack of action from the White House.
He earlier pleaded with President Trump to order shut downs across the country, saying the ‘patchwork quilt’ approach of seeing some states taking more vigilant action than others ‘is not working’.
There are more than 4,000 cases of coronavirus in the US and 74 people have died.
After Cuomo’s announcement, shift workers in bars and restaurants panicked and started asking how they would be able to pay their rent.
In Maryland, the city-wide shutdown will be in effect from 5pm tonight. It applies to restaurants, bars, gyms and movie theaters.
In the United States, there are more than 3,800 confirmed cases of the coronavirus and 69 deaths
There has been no firm answer yet on how to alleviate the financial burden of the crisis on individuals.
White House economic advisor Larry Kudlow told Monday said the administration ‘might’ get behind new proposals to give cash to American households in the neighborhood of $1,000 each per month.
In New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, all bars and restaurants will be forced to switch to take-out and delivery orders only from 8pm on Monday night.
In New York, Cuomo will relax liquor laws to allow people to order alcohol from their local bars and restaurants.
Movie theaters, theaters, gyms and casinos will close and will remain closed indefinitely.
He said the rules would last for ‘as long as necessary’ to cope with the crisis.
In Hoboken, New Jersey, a 10pm curfew is in place but it remains unclear how it is being enforced and what happens to anyone who breaks it.
Earlier, in an interview on Good Morning America on Monday, Gov. Cuomo said it made no sense for him to take harsh action in New York but have neighboring states like New Jersey and Connecticut not, because people would simply migrate there to keep living their lives and potentially spread the virus.
‘This government has to get more engaged.
‘There’s been no country that hasn’t handled this on a federalized level.
‘This patchwork quilt of policies doesn’t work. It makes no sense for me to do something in New York and New Jersey to do something else.
‘I close the bars? They go to jersey. You need the specific rules.
‘Every state cannot come up with its own rules, you’ll just have people going from state to state.
‘You’ll go to New Jersey, Connecticut, wherever you can be served.
‘That’s the last thing we want.
‘Set the national standards and let’s live with them,’ he said.
The joint effort came hours later.
Despite President Trump’s insistence that the pandemic was under ‘tremendous control’ over the weekend, health care experts are bracing for a tidal wave of patients.
There is grave concern over how the nation’s hospital system will cope with the onslaught of patients who will soon need care.
Over the weekend, experts predicted as many as 10 million people will need to be hospitalized because of the virus, but there are not even one million hospital beds in the country.
New York City is all but shut down. Broadway has been closed since Friday, bars and restaurants will close on Tuesday morning
Cuomo has repeatedly requested the army corps of engineers to come to New York and start fitting out available buildings as hospitals, saying the ‘wave’ of the virus will ‘break’ on New York’s hospital system tomorrow if it they do not.
‘We have been behind this disease from day one.
‘We saw it develop in China, we weren’t ready and we’ve been playing catch up ever since.
‘You need to get ahead of this. It’s about the next war.
‘The next war is going to be overwhelming our hospital systems.’
Cuomo has already pleaded with the federal government to mobilize the army to fit out buildings in New York to turn them into temporary hospitals.
There are more than 950 cases in New York State, almost half of them are in New York City.
Cuomo revealed that there are only 50,000 hospital beds in the entire state and only 3,000 of them are in intensive care units.
‘The only hope we have at this late date is retrofit existing facilities.
‘Get some of the people from the hospitals into those new medical facilities and back fill the beds with coronavirus. States can’t build – it’s the army corp of engineers.
‘Let them come in today. Today. Time is short,’ he warned.
Other cities have implemented their own shutdowns but the federal government is yet to take a position on it.
Trump told Americans to ‘settle down’ on Sunday and warned them to stop stockpiling supplies, saying food stores would remain open no matter what happened.
However he is being widely criticized for his approach to the pandemic, which many say has been too slow from the beginning.
On Monday morning, the Dow opened down more than 2,200 points.
The S&P 500 futures index fell by eight percent at the opening bell, triggering a circuit breaker which halted trading for 15 minutes.
When the market reopened, it fell further and flirted towards a second circuit breaker, by dropping by as much as 11.5 percent.
It recovered and held throughout the rest of the morning.
Now, there are fears over how the country’s healthcare system is going to react to the surge in patients that will flood through hospitals in the next weeks and months.
Two emergency room doctors have become the latest are in the hospital in critical condition after contracting coronavirus.

An almost deserted subway station in Brooklyn, New York, on Monday morning as millions of New Yorkers stayed home