September 4, 2018 in News by RBN Staff
Source: Steadfast and Loyal
This is totally mind-boggling. The judge basically rubber-stamped the application for the FISA warrant against Carter Page without asking a single question or making any effort to find out if the information was correct, which we know it wasn’t. That judge is not fit for the bench and should be removed. In fact, none of the four applications ever saw the inside of a FISA courtroom.
They were just approved, with the court just taking the Obama administration’s word for it. Who in their right mind trusts anything Obama did? Judicial Watch sued for the transcripts of the court cases and the DOJ admitted there were none because they were signed by the judge without question. Things like this happen when you are a Democrat.
Via Judicial Watch:
‘[N]o such hearings were held with respect to the acknowledged FISA applications. Accordingly, no responsive hearing transcripts exist.’
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today announced that in response to a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, the Justice Department (DOJ) admitted in a court filing last night that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court held no hearings on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) spy warrant applications targeting Carter Page, a former Trump campaign part-time advisor who was the subject of four controversial FISA warrants.
In the filing the Justice Department finally revealed that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court held no hearings on the Page FISA spy warrants, first issued in 2016 and subsequently renewed three times:
[National Security Division] FOIA consulted [Office of Intelligence] … to identify and locate records responsive to [Judicial Watch’s] FOIA request…. [Office of Intelligence] determined … that there were no records, electronic or paper, responsive to [Judicial Watch’s] FOIA request with regard to Carter Page. [Office of Intelligence] further confirmed that the [Foreign Surveillance Court] considered the Page warrant applications based upon written submissions and did not hold any hearings.
The president’s hands are tied on this. Even if he orders the DOJ to investigate, Sessions would just assign it to an Obama appointee like he did before. That doesn’t mean nothing can be done. All FISA judges are appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He can fire the judge or judges that approved the warrants without trial and replace them with judges who will adhere to the law.