US-Supported Terrorists Fail to Break Aleppo Siege
November 1, 2016 in News by RBN Staff
by Stephen Lendman
According to Fars News, thousands of al-Nusra (Al Qaeda in Syria) and affiliated terrorist fighters “failed to meet the coalition’s military objective of lifting the siege on our comrades trapped in the eastern part of the city,” according to what militants reported.
After days of heavy clashes, government forces outfought them, repelling “over a dozen offensives” to break through.
Amnesty International said “(a)rmed opposition groups have displayed a shocking disregard for civilian lives. Video footage shows they have used imprecise explosive weapons including mortars and Katyusha rockets, whose use in the vicinity of densely populated civilian areas flagrantly violates international humanitarian law.”
Sergey Lavrov accused Washington and Ankara of supporting anti-Assad terrorists. On Monday, they shelled the UN office in government-controlled Aleppo, a world body statement saying:
“It is appalling that the building that houses (its) offices was directly targeted. We strongly condemn the increased violence in all of Aleppo, east and west, which has resulted in the death and injury of scores of civilians, including children.”
Russian UN envoy Vitaly Churkin accused Security Council members (America, Britain and France) of being “blatantly anti-Damascus (and) anti-Russia…”
“Common sense continues to be sacrificed to false geopolitical paradigms aimed at forced dismantling of statehood and the search for enemies.”
Conflict resolution remains unattainable as long as foreign powers continue supporting terrorists ravaging Syria, Churkin added.
On Monday, the General Command of the Syrian Army and Armed Forces said foreign-supported terrorists are exploiting Russia’s humanitarian pause in aerial operations in Aleppo to terrorize its residents, including use of toxic chlorine gas, affecting dozens of civilians and soldiers.
In letters to Ban Ki-moon and the Security Council president, Syria’s Foreign Ministry said foreign-supported terrorists “exploited the pause duration through using chemical materials on October 30th when they launched shells of chlorine gas on 1070 apartments region and the residential neighborhood of Hamadaniyah in Aleppo, causing 48 suffocation cases among civilians and military men.”
“The government of Syrian Arab republic has formed an inquiry team to investigate into the crime of launching the poisonous gases according to international standards.”
The letters accused Western countries of supporting crimes committed by terrorist groups, harming defenseless civilians most of all.
The White House, State Department, and media scoundrels remain silent on atrocities committed by US-supported terrorists.
On Monday from London, John Kerry lied, accusing Russia of “bombing (Aleppo) to smithereens,” while absurdly claiming “an opposition there (is) prepared to live by the ceasefire.”
Fact: Russia hasn’t “bombed” eastern Aleppo since October 18.
Fact: US-supported “opposition” terrorist fighters shell government-controlled Aleppo areas daily, largely targeting residential areas, massacring civilians.
Fact: They’re engaged in fierce fighting to break through against government forces encircling them – so far unsuccessfully.
Russian and government forces are disgracefully blamed for defending Syrian sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Washington bears full responsibility for raping Syria, its rogue partners sharing blame.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at
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