US Terror-Bombing Far More Extensive Than Reported
February 6, 2017 in News by RBN Staff
by Stephen Lendman
America’s global war on terrorism is a scam to wage permanent war on humanity. Its imperial madness threatens everyone.
It wastes trillions of dollars unavailable for vital domestic needs. It made America a rogue state far more menacing than any other in world history.
Its thermonuclear arsenal if used in error or by design can kill us all. Neocons like Hillary Clinton and Washington’s criminal class believe the Pentagon should do whatever it takes to eliminate all challengers to US dominance over planet earth, its resources and populations.
Trump is a businessman. Can he tame this beast or become its servant, a question yet to be answered? Antagonizing China, Iran and Venezuela, along with continuing drone wars isn’t encouraging.
He hasn’t ended Bush/Cheney/Obama wars, but give him a break. He’s only been in office two-and-a-half weeks.
So far, he’s largely fulfilling campaign promises, contrary to how US presidents usually operate, especially Obama, breaking every major campaign pledge made, betraying the public trust disgracefully.
America’s wars are far more deadly than reported, according to a February 5 Military Times report, saying:
“The American military has failed to publicly disclose potentially thousands of lethal airstrikes conducted over several years in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan,” according to an investigation it conducted – not including Libya, Yemen, Somalia and parts of Pakistan terror-bombed.
Thousands of US airstrikes were unreported, causing unknown numbers of casualties, mostly noncombatant civilians, paying the greatest price in all wars.
US and Israeli ones consider them legitimate targets, a flagrant violation of international law, accountability not forthcoming – Nobel Peace prizes awarded instead.
Obama’s so-called war on ISIS was cover to target infrastructure and government sites in Syria and Iraq. Trump promised to smash ISIS, and by inference international terrorism.
It remains to be seen if he meant what he said or intends a grand deception like his predecessor. It’s too early to know.
The Military Times expressed concern over misleading Pentagon data. “Most alarming is the prospect that (it’s) been incomplete since” America attacked Afghanistan in October 2001, said MT.
If so, “it would fundamentally undermine confidence in much of what the Pentagon has disclosed about its prosecution of these wars, prompt critics to call into question whether the military sought to mislead the American public, and cast doubt on the competency with which other vital data collection is being performed and publicized.”
All governments lie. The Pentagon notoriously misleads the public. Nothing it reports is credible. What’s most important to reveal is suppressed, including accurate casualty counts and the fact that all US wars are against nations threatening no one.
In all its war theaters, America is guilty of Nuremberg-level high crimes. The Clintons, Bush/Cheney and Obama are unindicted war criminals – responsible for millions of casualties since the early 1990s, especially post-9/11, a false flag pretext for endless wars of aggression.
Trump’s mettle as a president depends on whether he’ll try stopping this madness. Will he be a warrior leader or go another way? Humanity holds its breath to find out.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at
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