*** US Weapons to Ukraine Are NOT Arriving! ***
February 28, 2023 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff
Thanks go to RBN visitor, Dave, for this article suggestion…
Source: Real History Chan
From the very first day of Russia’s liberation campaign which kicked off last year at this time, The Anti-New York Times stood alone among alternative news sites in reassuring concerned readers that the limited military operation would absolutely NOT escalate into a broader regional war or a world war. It hasn’t since — and it won’t now.
From our February 23, 2022 bulletin:
The reason why “the free world” will not stop Putin’s “invasion” of the region known as “Donbas” is because Trump and the patriots, not the Globalists, are in control. You can be sure that this deal to deactivate the eastern European trip-wire for World War III — much like the deal which had earlier deactivated another dangerous trip-wire in Syria — had already been worked out by Putin and Trump — the latter, not “Joe Biden,” still commanding the US military.Of course, this won’t stop the breathless propagandists at Sulzberger’s Slimes from pining away for yet another of their European bloodbaths to reinvigorate their dying New World Order. Not this time, Hymie. Sorry.
Over the course of the ensuing year (boy does time fly!) following that unequivocal prognostication, some of the skeptical nervous types among the readership have wavered — citing the “weapons shipments” of the US and other European countries to the Fukrainian aggressor as evidence against our position. “All part of the show that is a sham fight”— was our stock (and often unaccepted) reply.But now — inadvertently chiming in to support the “Patriots in Control” worldview — is none other than the “paper of record” itself. From the featured article — some astonishing revelations with added analysis:
Slimes: The latest American weapons package for Ukraine includes the longest range weapons yet to push back Russian troops and strike logistical targets well behind enemy lines.
Analysis: Oh no. That sounds like bad news for the big bad Rooskies.
Slimes: But they come with a hitch:
Analysis: “A hitch?” — Do tell.
Slimes: They will be deployed on the battlefield too late to be used against a broad assault by Moscow. (emphasis added)
Analysis: Nothing to add. (gloating, with all humility)
Slimes: That is also the case with most of the Western tanks, fighting vehicles and air-defense missiles that have been promised ….
Analysis: Delays, delays, delay. This phony “proxy war” is rigged, boys and girls, with NWO Fukraine being set up to fail.
Slimes: …after months of pleas by President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine.
Analysis: The little green man (perhaps an actor?) is made to beg for “months” — and then the stuff is delayed and delayed after it is “promised” to him.
Most of the sophisticated weapons will also require rigorous training for Ukrainian troops, who have never used them, a process that usually takes months and sometimes as long as a year. (emphasis added)
Analysis: Laughing my ass off!Slimes: And some of the arms — like the rocket-propelled guided bombs that the United States is now offering in the $2.17 billion package — have to be retrofitted from existing stocks or even built from scratch.
Analysis: Had Killary been president, or if the real Joe Biden (not the White Hat imposter) was actually president — you can be sure that America’s and Europe’s state-of-the-art weapons systems would have been deployed to and made fully combat-ready in Fukraine long before the provocation of Russia kicked off. The reason for this bumbling, fumbling military response is because Commander-in-Chief Donald J, Trump — using “Biden” as his front — is tilting the game in favor of his anti-NWO partner; Vlad the Bad Putin.
Further confirmation of this incredible staged drama (or should we call it a comedy?) comes to us from a story appearing in Defense News, quoting “Biden’s” Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Strategy, Christine Wormuth:“We’re looking at what’s the fastest way we can get the tanks to the Ukrainians,” Christine Wormuth told reporters. “It’s not going to be a matter of weeks.”
“None of the options that we’re exploring are weeks or two months,” she continued. “There are longer timelines involved, but I think there are options that are less than two years, less than a year-and-a-half.” (emphasis added)
“It’s still to be determined, according to Wormuth, whether tanks could arrive by the end of the year. Wormuth noted that it’s not just delivering the Abrams tanks, but also support equipment like recovery vehicles, ammunition and a training package. “There’s a lot of details still that need to be worked out,” she said. (emphasis added)
The comical paradox of this geo-psyop is this: As this make-believe joke of a war “escalates” into an even bigger farce — Trump’s warnings About “Globalists” soon triggering World War III are becoming more dire. These oh-so-somber warnings are accompanied by confident insistence that he could end the war immediately — (do we even know that there is actually still a war going on?) — if given the opportunity. The closing scene may involve bringing the world “to the brink” of a NATO vs Russia (and perhaps even China) catastrophic showdown — with Citizen Trump then riding in on his White Horse at the 11th hour to save the day.
How funny would that be?!
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that our military aid to Ukraine might not get there for a year and a half.
Boobus Americanus 2: But it will be too late to save Ukraine by then!
St Sugar: That’s the whole point, Boobuss.
Editor: I’m really starting to think that Zelensky is actually “Zelensky.” — and that the conflict itself may even be a sham fight at this point.
the writer presumes he knows the mind of putin, is he omnipresent? I guess only a few of us think putin could sent a nuke to the US.BTW he can by plane,sub,ship.