September 19, 2019 in News by RBN Staff
Source: DuckDuckGo Image Search
from: Steve Elkins, RBN host of Off The Beaten Path
These are the images of what U.S. forces have done in Raqqa, Syria.
These images will never be shown by the MSM.We need to show them.
This is not our government, and I will not support this military who targets innocent civilians.
War Crimes: Definition.
To deliberately target a civilian population for a political agenda.Innocent people who are slaughtered are now referred to as “Collateral Damage”. Continue U.S. economic sanctions, and pummel their country into rubble, until they remove Bashar Al Assad.
Democracy via a bloody sword: The U.S. Empire.
Fueling terrorism for generations to come.
Increasing DOD spending.America’s reputation…….. “Brutal Dictator/Warmongers”.
Divide and Conquer.
To the winner belong the spoils.Always about the money (resources, and accepted currency equivalents); control of the people, and strategic location.
– Steve Elkins

This undated frame grab from video posted online Monday, May 29, 2017, by the Aamaq News Agency, a media arm of the Islamic State group, shows people inspecting damage from airstrikes and artillery shelling in the northern Syrian city of Raqqa, the de facto capital of the IS. Airstrikes have intensified over the past days as U.S.-backed fighters have marched toward the city, getting closer to besieging it from all sides. (Aamaq News Agency via AP)