Watch: Biden Wanders Around Lost, Slurs Through July 4 Speech

July 5, 2023 in News by RBN Staff

source:  zerohedge

WEDNESDAY, JUL 05, 2023 – 08:30 AM

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

Joe Biden wandered around lost on stage at July 4th celebrations Tuesday after barely slurring his way through a teleprompter speech.

When it was time for Uncle Joe to get back to bed this happened…

“I don’t, man! I want to say hi to him!” Biden blathered, adding “You’re trying to get me off stage! You’re afraid I’m gonna start singing!”



This line was inserted again…

When Biden was asked questions about cocaine being found in the White House, coincidentally coinciding with a Hunter Biden visit, he ignored them:

Something he can never ignore, however, is a gaggle of little girls:

It’s a far cry from this…

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