September 21, 2018 in News by RBN Staff
Souix Falls, SD — Surveillance footage has just been released after the taxpayers of South Dakota were held liable for the actions of a brutal police officer. The video shows the officer lied and that Trooper Cody Jansen nearly killed Troy Rokusek by smashing his face into the concrete floor for no reason at all. Following the incident, Jansen was named “Trooper of the Year.”
The incident happened in April of 2015, however, the video was only released this week after taxpayers shelled out $100,000 to pay for Trooper Jansen’s brutality.
What began over a routine DUI stop quickly morphed into the horrific treatment of a defenseless man who did nothing to deserve it. According to police, Rokusek was stopped for suspicion of DUI and the entire stop was peaceful. Rokusek agreed to submit to a blood test without a warrant, so he was driven back to the station.
When Rokusek got back to the station, Jansen told him that he would have to submit to the blood test in the garage, or sally port area. Rokusek then asked if it would be possible to have the procedure done in a hospital or cleaner area as the garage was unsanitary.
This apparently enraged the trooper who then ordered Rokusek to his feet so he could handcuff him and then forcefully draw his blood in the garage. As the video shows, Rokusek complied, stood up, and put his hands behind his back.
Then, without any justification, Jansen slammed Rokusek into the wall face first, placed him in a “double chicken wing” hold and pile drove him face first into the ground. Rokusek, whose hands were behind his back, was unable to brace himself or stop his face from smashing into the concrete floor.
Immediately, blood begins pouring from his mouth as the officer continues his assault.
Jansen was 6’4″ and 220 pounds at the time, while Rokusek was 5’6″ and only 135 pounds. The force could’ve killed him. Luckily for Rokusek, however, he only fractured his face and lost multiple teeth.
After the incident, Jansen lied, claiming that Rokusek resisted arrest. However, this was entirely proven wrong by the video and the court agreed. What’s more, as the woman in the garage witnessed it, she looked up at the camera in disbelief, as if to make sure this was captured on video. She even seemed a bit scared that she may be next.
The judge who heard Rokusek’s case ruled that the video did not corroborate the trooper’s story and did not show the victim resisting.
“It is not clear from the Sally Port Video whether Rokusek pushed back against Jansen, but the Sally Port Video shows that Rokusek’s head remained against the wall until Jansen threw him to the ground,” Piersol wrote. “Jansen slammed Rokusek to the ground while he was in the double chicken wing position, unable to protect his head and face. On the Sally Port Video, blood can be seen pooling near Rokusek’s mouth on the floor.”
Following the incident, Rokusek had to be taken to the hospital to be treated for his injuries. Whether or not Rokusek was charged with DUI remains unclear.
For losing his temper and nearly killing a man half his size, Jansen got a piece of paper entered into his record for an improper takedown.
“Cody,” the reprimand said, “you are much larger than Mr. Rokusek who was extremely intoxicated. Considering your training, size, and the level of resistance from Rokusek, your actions to control him were not reasonable and significantly increased the potential for injury.”
After this slap on the wrist the officer who should’ve been immediately fired and charged with assault was instead rewarded with the department’s highest honor.
Last year, as the Argus Leader reports, Jansen was named “trooper of the year” by the Highway Patrol for “continued demonstration of exceptional service to the agency, citizens and communities.”
“The Highway Patrol is proud of Trooper Jansen, not only for his commitment to the Highway Patrol, but also to his family and community,” Col. Craig Price, superintendent of the Highway Patrol, said in a release announcing the award. “Trooper Jansen reflects the high standards of the Highway Patrol in his daily life and for that, is well deserving of this award.”
Citizens of South Dakota be warned, below is a video showing the “highest standards of the Highway Patrol.”