World Health Organization Pushes Vaccines – Says COVID May Never Go Away
May 19, 2020 in News by RBN Staff
Source: Need To Know | WHO
WHO Health Emergency Director Mike Ryan said, “..this virus may never go away…We do have one great hope, if we do find a highly effective vaccine that we can distribute to everyone who needs it in the world, we may have a shot at eliminating this virus.” He said, “That vaccine will have to be available, it will have to be highly effective, it will have to be made available to everyone, and we will have to use it.” He continued, “Science can come up with the vaccine, but someone’s got to make it, and make enough of it that everyone can get a dose of it, and we’ve got to be able to deliver it. And people have got to want to take that vaccine.” [Bill Gates is receiving a nice return on his funding of the WHO.] -GEG