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July 30, 2014 in RBN Updates by RBN Staff
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why are the archives gone ??
any chance they will return ?
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Republic Broadcasting Network
Righting the Right, makes my stomach churn. Who is this guy, and his guests, insulting every listener? I don’t believe this is the programming I care to listen to. Sadly I will have to stop donating, and supporting Israel trash lovers like this so called patriot. I seriously question his motives. A sad day for RBN I loved this station. There is no other station like RBN, I supposed I am armed with all the real information I can glean, before the Goyim screw it up.
Den; I agree with you about Glenn Pav and is hurting the credibility of RBN. But we are not going any where; that simpleton needs to go. Pray for him. He is the product of 40 years of seminary indoctrination. He proudly showed me his “credentials”. The poor soul does not know what he is a part of, and at this point won’t seek the truth. It is called cognitive dissonance. IMO; RBN needs to get rid of this air head to save its reputation.
Oh thank you, I’m not the only one. When I heard John from TN. say the same thing, I thought I was going crazy for about 3 hours of every week day. Last Fridays broadcast was the cake for me. I’m still holding on, however, RBN would do well to give this guy the boot. I called during the last hour and gave the producer and earful. I apologize if he reads this.
I wonder how Glenn was given 3 hours. He is educated on the founding of America, and condsiders himself a patriot. I agree that Glenn is; He is just so darn ignorant om Who and what the Isreali gov is. Very ignorant of zionism. He preaches what all the other misinformed Christians do. They support the enemies of Christ and His Father Yahweh, with little to no understanding.
Maybe he will draw more ignorant Christians to RBN, who then get educated by the other RBN hosts.
A letter to Glenn Pav, and follow up.
So far no response: Sharing to spread some light.
Dear Glenn:
Thank you for your program on RBN
This letter is sent in love, in hopes you give it thought.
I had to send this to you after your last caller was cut off due to the time today (8-26-2014). I do not recall his name (John), but he knows what he was talking about. You seemed to have the need to keep cutting in on him. I hope this letter is passed on to him also.
The Beast is a system, that is being put in place, that we all know is well along in its implementation, largely due to the ignorance of the citizens at large, and fundamental Christianity. IMO; that is a big reason for the impotence of organized religion. Too many ignorant Christians are being led by ignorant pastors.
Glenn; You know the wicked system that is being imposed on the world. You know the perpetrators.
For your sake, and the sake of your listeners; how about getting more informed on the Beast and the Beast system. The call in listener calls in regularly. He could lead you on a path to really understanding who the enemy is. If you believe in the pre Tribulation rapture, when Christians fly away I heard you say on today’s RBN program, you really need to do some studying. That doctrine got its start by a lady ( I do not have her name in front of me) in the mid 1800’s who had a “vision”. It is ludicrous. Try to find “the rapture” in the Bible.
IMO; It is this simple mindedness that gives Christians a bad name to the non- believers. One has to study under a pastor/teacher that knows Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek for the New Testament. That is the only way to get the actual meaning of what was written in the Bible. Using a King James Version along with a concordance can accomplish good understanding. That takes a LOT OF WORK and is very time consuming. That is why an educated and devout teacher/pastor is critical to getting to the truth. Knowing your sources is also important.
Most Christians are not taught the difference between Essau/Edom and Jacob/Israel; and the specific prophecies that pertain to each. Especially Joseph. That is key to understanding what the Bible reveals, and who is who.
Are you not aware that this planet/universe is at least millions, maybe billions of years old?
The Bible from Genesis 1:2 and on covers approximately the last 6,000 years only. Adam and Eve to Christ, with the prophecies of Israel contained, and Israel’s interactions with other nations/peoples.
The book of Enoch reveals some things the Roman Church could not coincide with their church doctrine, so it was removed. As was the book of Jasher.
I would appreciate you letting me know you opened this letter via E mail.
I know you are busy, and appreciate all your dedication.
Gere Stoke
Thank you for your reply.
II am sure you are a good person, and I mean no disrespect.
You may think me to be presumptuous; but I think I understand why you have your theology. You presented a long history, with your credentials.
You have your beliefs based on a life in establishment seminaries etc. It is pretty hard to delve into non- establishment perspectives and further study.
Just where has the theocratic establishment led our nation? A nation of Christian ignorance on the issues that I presented to you above, has left our, enemies to go unexposed to the flock. Christians end up supporting the anti-Christ and his agenda. The Bible says many will be deceived in the End Times. It think it is an obligation of pastors to ensure that their flock is taught who the enemy is, in order to not be deceived. The Bible says that the anti-christ will deceive many. That may be the un pardonable sin.
RBN seeks to expose truths regarding the usurpers of our government and the world. The usurers in particular.
IMO; Being a representative of this great RBN venue, you have an obligation to seek and expose all truth that is available to you, I believe that; the righteous are to fight for truth and righteousness. With God’s grace , this nation was born. How many Christians know who is trying to drive God from our land? It is not Muslims. That is the plan of the godless usurpers.
How can one fight an enemy, when the enemy successfully hides their identity? Who will stand against the fraud?
Please give this some thought: A country that supports a corrupt government (including historical Israel), always loses God’s blessings. IMO – It should be apparent that the USA is losing its blessings at an alarming rate.
Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
I hope you do some praying on this. I know it is not easy. I hope you pray for me also, as I also have my short comings.
I pray for RBN daily. It is under siege.
Sincerely, Gere Stokoe
Poor Glen Pav and all the people who think Islam is the problem. Not one mention of Zionism. No one mention of the Vatican. The NWO is not being brought to us by Islam, Arabs or Muslims people…they are using this as an excuse.
I don’t think it was the Arabs who faked the HOLOCAUST and it was not Muslims who took down WTC 93 or WTC 911. Those were done by the CIA/Mossad/MI6, not Muslims. Zionism is the problem, not Islam. How many senators do you know that are Arab in Congress?
Please quit wasting people’s minds with all this garbage about Muslims. Terrorism is created by US/Israel/Britain in order to herd the befuddled herd.
The Syrian War What You’re Not Being Told
World War 3 Has Already Begun
RBN needs finacial support…that is simple.
Unfortuantely the archives are a mess. many do not even work. I do not even see a link to get to them.And yes I know money is needed so the man power is there to do the nessassary work to make the network and site function.
The archives are very important.
I’ve been trying to find out why BOB TUSKIN is no longer with RBN. he contributed a lot. Does anyone know?
Just wondering if the archives will be back up anytime soon.
Why did you axe Bill Frady and move OCD to nights? That really just ruins my ability to listen to the network. I’m sure you don’t really care either. I guess it’s off to gcn to listen to L&L from now on
What is the problem with the archives? They stop with the month of April, 2014. This is August?????
You really need to listen to RBN more often and you wouldn’t ask such a dumb questions … The good news is the archives are now free .. Donations are still appreciated 😉 seek and you will find. News archives should be right as rain by Monday.
I am confused and really…angry. I join the archives because Herzog is back and I want his first shows. I find out by the solitary email I received that his show may or may not be archived. Nobody seems to know.
I find out that the archived are not kept up to date..but there’s good news-now they’re free!!!. Days after I commit to a monthly donation..suddenly the obligation is not necessary…and the only show I’m interested in is not archived.
Suzie, your comment has a circular reasoning for those of us who can ONLY listen via archive. Think about it. What RMT said is quite valid with archives the ONLY way to listen. I have not been able to hear many shows since 4/29. A few have appeared at times, but my daily dose of the good stuff is waning. This comment section is a way to vent, but if someone at RBN is not offering responses to questions like the issue of the archives, then the comments are only for venting. At the same time, I can understand that it may be difficult for RBN to say ‘it will be up on xxx’, but the silence is kind of like being put on hold with no sound. How long do you wait before you realize there is no connection. If a host (John?) is saying anything about the archives on his show, we who need the archives are not hearing it.
some troll posters for these obnoxious OboAssKlown trolls. Enjoy and use these everywhere there’s an infection 😉
My favirote was the cat! Your a riot Hollywood! Jeeeeesus Christmas get in the car it’s a troll!!! Hahaha. Your always good for a bit of humor and in the pit of truth seeking it’s a must!
There is no way Obama has the say so, the control, the ability, an original thought coming out of his head. He takes his orders from the banksters/CFR. Another guest, painting America as the villain. The intent is to demonize white male, Christian America. That is now the new target for the NWO…has been for quite some time.
We the People of the world are under attack from Zionism and the source of Zionism does not originate out of the Obama’s useless brain. Learn about Zionism, The Empire of The Cities…CNN Goldman Sachs and Zio Matrix.
They want to keep dividing us into another distraction. Follow the money, remove the banksters/Zionist control. Its the only way we survive.
Amy Goodman is a shill.
Thanks for fixing the comment section.
Rand Paul Jesse Ventura 2 0 1 6
… because America CAN handle the truth !
excellent. About time imo. Thank you.