Alex Jones, ‘Infowars’ clips pulled by YouTube, Facebook, others

  Source: Austin American-Statesman | By Gary Dinges The hits keep coming for Austinite Alex Jones. The embattled radio host who runs the Infowars website — currently being sued for claiming the
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Their take on Alex Jones on YouTube

  Families Sue Alex Jones For Defamation Over Sandy Hook Conspiracy Claims | NBC Nightly News   For years, Alex Jones was the most powerful voice behind the conspiracy theory
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Lefties Celebrate Alex Jones Ban

  By Kurt Nimmo   Apple has pulled the plug on Alex Jones. It scrubbed most of his content from its iTunes service. The trillion dollar tech company says it will
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Facebook, Apple Purge InfoWars for ‘Hate Speech’

  Source: Breitbart   The Masters of the Universe at Facebook and Apple have censored InfoWars pages and podcasts on their platforms, both claiming Alex Jones and company engage in
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Spotify is removing some Alex Jones podcasts — but not all of them — because they are ‘hate content’

  Source: Recode   The music streaming service has been the target of public outrage for carrying Jones’s show. By Kurt Wagner  Infowars founder Alex Jones is getting another slap on
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This could be a good thing. The truth brought out by a lawsuit.

  via: email | by Steve Elkins If we had an honest court system, all the evidence showing that Sandy Hook was a False Flag, and had the cooperation of local
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Christopher Bollyn Calls Alex Jones a Zionist “Gatekeeper”


The New American’s special report about the Deep State

  Source: The New American by  Gary Benoit The followng appeared originally as an introduction to The New American’s special report on the Deep State. Until recently, “the Deep State,” the subject of
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“… someone should send this to Donnie J.” WARNING: VERY foul language.

  Alex Jones FLIPS OUT Over Trump in Syria! Alex Jones flipped out about Trumps involvement in Syria last night. Here’s a bit more insight into what has been happening
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  via: BLN | SOURCE: ZERO HEDGE CNN has taken it upon themselves to contact companies whose advertisements have been played on the InfoWars-linked Alex Jones Channel on YouTube, resulting in a
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Infowars Employees Expose Alex Jones

  Former Alex Jones employees and guests speak out about the big problems going on at Infowars Featuring: Rob Jacobson Kurt Nimmo Anthony Gucciardi Aaron and Melissa Dykes Luke Ridkowski
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Fan Calls Out Alex Jones On the Jewish Elephant In The Room!

  This caller was great. He started researching all the names Alex Jones has talked about for the last 11 years and came to a startling conclusion – they were
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In Travis County custody case, jury will search for real Alex Jones

  Source: Austin American-Statesman | JONATHAN TILOVE At a recent pretrial hearing, attorney Randall Wilhite told state District Judge Orlinda Naranjo that using his client Alex Jones’ on-air Infowars persona to evaluate
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  What’s going on over there?

Alex Jones Apologizes For Pizzagate Lunacy

  Source: Freedom4um   On the same day that Edgar Welch pleaded guilty to weapons charges for “investigating” a Washington, DC pizza place because he believed it was a front
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Hysterical Alex Jones Weeps & Prays For Bibi: “Globalists Clearly Trying To Overthrow Israel” & Arrest Netanyahu. ‘All You That Hate Jews’ Get Ready for Islamic Rule in the U.S.

  Source: | By Martin Hill On his Monday January 2 show, Infowars Alex Jones went on an absolutely hysterical rant, weeping, praying for Bibi Netanyahu, saying that the ‘globalists’
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A Reasoned Response to a Reader About Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Robert Spencer, and Pamela Geller

Veterans Today | Jonas E. Alexis | January 4, 2016 I have no interest whatsoever in attacking a person, who can be good, bad, and indifferent. I am interested in dissecting arguments, ideologies, and
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John Stadtmiller of RBN calls ‘BULLS**T’!

Intellihub | December 26, 2015 California police officer killed protecting Alex Jones from potential killer Potential killer stopped by police after stalking Alex Jones at various points of interest Via
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It’s “THE JEEEWWWS!” Alex Jones Angry Rant Against “All These Mentally Ill Jew-Obsessed People.”

Liberty Fight | via: Freedom 4um | Dec 10, 2015  Alex Jones in his Monday, December 7th 2015 program in the 2nd hour went on an irritated rant about “THE JEEEEWWWS,” discounting anyone who
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