Source: BLACKLISTED NEWS | SOURCE: ACTION NEWS JAX Millions of people have handed their DNA over to genetic testing companies like Ancestry or 23andMe to learn more about their family trees.
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Google will soon obtain private genetic data on hundreds of thousands of medical patients… without their consent

  Source: Natural News | Rhonda Johansson The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) recently ruled that the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust broke the law, as it failed to comply with the Data Protection Act when it transferred 1.6
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Bright flash of light marks incredible moment life begins when sperm meets egg

Telegraph | Sarah Knapton, science editor | 26 APRIL 2016 • 11:49AM Human life begins in bright flash of light as a sperm meets an egg, scientists have shown for the first time,
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Archons And Mind Parasites And Extremophiles, Oh My!

“Is it possible that mankind could be driven subconsciously by another infective force more powerful than ignorance, more persuasive than propaganda, and more controlling than hypnosis? And if this possibility
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