Hebrews 11: 4-12 (Lesson 23)

WHTT | Tom Compton | April 3, 2016  Faith is the confidence in unseen things and is associated with righteousness. In this very interesting lesson by Mark Horton, the faith of Able, Enoch,
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“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen.” – Hebrews 10: 32 – 11:3 (Lesson 22)

WHTT | Tom Compton | March 22, 2016  Mark Horton looks into the definition of the word “faith” that is introduced in this section of Hebrews. What are the nuances of the statement: “Now
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WE HOLD THESE TRUTHS — What Does Israel Mean To You?

WHTT | Tom Compton | March 16, 2016  Christians in the United States are divided on what the word “Israel” means. Christian Zionists think of the modern state of Israel as the fulfillment of
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Hebrews 10: 26-31 (Lesson 21)

WHTT | Tom Compton | March 13, 2016  In this lesson, Mark Horton discusses the warning given by the writer of Hebrews to the Judean followers of Christ who are contemplating returning to
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Hebrews 10: 19-25 (Lesson 20)

WHTT | Tom Compton | February 28, 2016  In this 32 minute Bible examination, Mark Horton looks at the significance and meaning of the phrase “the blood of Christ” and the “house of
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Latest Posts from WHTT: Zionist lobbyists; Christian Zionism; Interest Rates; Hebrews Lesson

Excerpts: Israel Is Desperately Working To Silence Any Opposition The Zionist lobbies are flexing their muscles by arm twisting governments into legislating bans on any type of opposition to Israel
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Hebrews stresses the supremacy of unseen spiritual things over physical things. Hebrews 10: 1-10 (Lesson 18)

WHTT | AUDIO VIDEO weekly  February 8, 2016  In this 28 minute Bible examination, we offer this warning to any dispensational, Christian Zionists who happen to listen: “Warning! This program contains thought
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Hebrews 9″ 6-14 (Lesson 15)

WHTT | Tom Compton | December 28, 2015  In Mark Horton’s 35 minute lesson, he compares the sacrifices of the Old Covenant to the New Covenant. The blood sacrifices of the old are
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