Countering Christians United For Israel in Washington, DC

Source: WHTT   For too long, Palestinians have been calling for freedom, justice, and equality. As organizations that share these values, we urge you to join us in confronting Christians
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Christian Zionist Leaders: Hardly Peacemakers

  Source: WHTT   Jesus was the Prince of Peace and taught his followers: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” (Matthew 5:9). Why do
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The FED, POTUS and Christian Zionists: Unholy Trinity for War

  Source: WHTT   Americans are woefully uneducated about the machinations of the Federal Reserve System that provides the primary mechanism to finance America’s serial wars. In this 30 minute
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Pat Robertson: ‘You Don’t Blow Up An International Alliance Over One Person’

  Source: Right Wing Watch | By Kyle Mantyla Yesterday, on “The 700 Club,” televangelist Pat Robertson weighed in on the disappearance of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who was reportedly murdered after entering the
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The Strong Delusions of Christian Zionists

  Source: WHTT The evidence of the strong delusions held by Christian Zionists is explored by Chuck Carlson of We Hold These Truths in an interview on Dr. Kevin Barrett’s
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The Southern Baptists Love Affair with Modern Israel

  Source: WHTT   The Southern Baptist Convention’s leadership loves to defend Israel, using mostly political arguments or corrupted biblical theology. Since our first vigil in Nov. 2002, We Hold
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Exposing AIPAC & John Hagee’s CUFI As Unregistered Agents For Israel

  Source: WHTT   CUFI (Christians United For Israel) & AIPAC have avoided being required to register as foreign agents for Israel. Craig Hanson looks behind the scenes in this eyeopening, 22 min.
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Trump Tosses Bone To Christian Right, But At What Cost?

  Source: WHTT President Trump again shows us that he is a master of deal making. He signed a bill that seems to reduce Planned Parenthood’s funding, which will help
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Does US Christianity Have a Commitment to Peace?

  Source: WHTT | By Charles E Carlson  Many Americans who respect Jesus’ words and acts, have been opting out of our churches for years. This is an obvious, but unspoken conclusion one can draw
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Romans 13 Neo-Christians Sorry Excuse for War

Source: WHTT Christian Zionists and Neo-Christians routinely justify the wars of aggression by the United States of America by citing the thirteenth chapter of the book of Romans, written by
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End Times Passover Author Joe Ortiz Challenges Christian Zionism

WHTT | Tom Compton | May 9, 2016  Joe Ortiz, author of The End Times Passover and Why Christians Will Suffer “Great Tribulation” joins Chuck Carlson, Tom Compton, Craig Hanson and Mark Horton of
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Latest Posts from WHTT: Zionist lobbyists; Christian Zionism; Interest Rates; Hebrews Lesson

Excerpts: Israel Is Desperately Working To Silence Any Opposition The Zionist lobbies are flexing their muscles by arm twisting governments into legislating bans on any type of opposition to Israel
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How some evangelicals are challenging a decades-long stance of blanket support for Israel’s government

WHTT | News Post  | December 15, 2015  The turning away from Christian Zionists’ undying support for Israel is happening slowly before our eyes. This story from theWashington Post is another example
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Prominent Evangelical Christians Are Worrying Christian Zionists Over Israel (Audio)

WHTT | Tom Compton | December 17, 2015  In this inspiring, 17 minute program, Chuck Carlson, Tom Compton and Craig Hansen of We Hold These Truths discuss a revealing story in the Washington Post,
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