AIPAC Still our Biggest Foreign Agent

  Source: Anti-Corruption Society   Senate Hearing on Foreign Agents Registration Act Grant Smith, July 18, 2017 Alleged Russian meddling in the US electoral process will be the subject of
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Zionist Israel Hides Its Crimes Behind Its Smears of Truth-Tellers

By Paul Craig Roberts Several years ago two very distinguished American scholars wrote a book, The Israel Lobby. The book made a very understated case that the Israel Lobby has
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Are These US-Israel Shared Values?

WHTT | Craig Hanson | April 1, 2016  “Israel is a liberal democracy that shares our values,” declared Sen. Ted Cruz in his address to the AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) convention
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Sharing Values – The American and Israeli Way

WHTT | Tom Compton | April 4, 2016  US politicians love to pledge their allegiance to Israel, when given a chance. Sen. Ted Cruz demonstrated this in his address to the 2016 AIPAC convention.
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Republican Party ‘totally controlled by Israel lobby’

Source: Freedom 4um 2015-04-05 18:58:48 PressTV…  Dr. Jones says opposing Iran nuclear talks by Republicans showed that the Republican Party is controlled by the Israel lobby. Editor of Culture Wars
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