F.B.I. Agent Faces Trial Over Deadly Clash in Oregon

  Source: NY Times   LaVoy Finicum, an anti-government activist, was shot to death in 2016 during a confrontation with the authorities near a remote wildlife refuge in Oregon.CreditJoe Raedle/Getty
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  Source: RTR TRUTH MEDIA | TOM LACOVARA   Whistleblower Larry Wooten former Special Agent Bureau of Land management Email by Tom Lacovara-Stewart RTR TruthMedia on Scribd   RESPONSE FROM
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FBI Agent Indicted In Killing of Lavoy Finicum, Hires High-Profile DC Lawyer

  Source: The Sleuth Journal   EXECUTED:Robert LaVoy Finicum (January 27, 1961 – January 26, 2016) 21st Century Wire says… Back in January of 2016, 21WIRE reported how the Oregon Standoff
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Marine Offers $10,000 For Info That Leads To Disbarment Or Criminal Conviction of Bundy Ranch Judge

  Source: Freedom Outpost | BOB POWELL This plan is to see that Justice is afforded to the Bundy family, others who came to the Bundy Ranch in 2014 to support them, and journalist Pete
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LaVoy Finicum shooting: FBI agent indicted for alleged false statements

  Source: Oregon Live | BY MAXINE BERNSTEIN mbernstein@oregonian.com   Slow-motion video of gunshot FBI allegedly lied about in LaVoy Finicum confrontation Update: FBI agent faces 5-count indictment in Finicum shooting investigation An FBI agent
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Oregon standoff: All defendants found not guilty

Kelli Stewart, right, celebrates with Maureen Valdez outside the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse after defendants were found not guilty in the trial for defendants of the Malheur National
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LaVoy Assassination forensic PROOF released!

This was given to me by an Anonymous source to make public. Big thanks to them. This is why they are not letting evidence about LaVoy’s death in the Bundy
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Arizona State Rep Sends Letter to Or. Gov: Finicum NOT a Terrorist

RBN | 05-11-2016 Several Arizona legislators have signed a letter urging the Oregon governor to live up to her statements questioning FBI involvement in the murder of the rancher, LaVoy Finicum, during
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Retired Oregon Police Officer Comments on LaVoy Finicum’s Murder

PaulStramer.net by Dirk Williams, Oregon Police Officer (ret) There is zero doubt regarding the murder of LaVoy Finicum that OSP and FBI HRT, set this up, a kill box. Due
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Federal Judge Goes after Shauna Cox’s Rights of Free Speech: Warns Her not to Speak Publicly about Oregon Standoff

Freedom Outpost | TIM BROWN | MARCH 30, 2016 On Tuesday, a federal judge threatened Shauna Cox with jail is she made any public comments about the Oregon standoff. The 59-year-old Cox was the
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Utah Sheriff to BLM: “I will Deputize Every Man, Woman and Child” to Stop Federal Agents”

via: Freedom Outpost A Utah sheriff has put out the word that he will not allow his county to be overrun by the unconstitutional Bureau of Land Management and the
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Resurrect The Republic | By T.R.Lacovara-Stewart | March 21, 2016, 8:49 pm OK folks, here’s the kind if decisions that your gov’t is causing people to have to make. For those of you
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Widow of Murdered Patriot Files Wrongful Death Suit against Law Enforcement says She has Evidence that will “Shock the Conscience”!

Eagle Rising | By Tim Brown | 14 March 2016  LaVoy Finicum’s widow, Jeanette Finicum, announced this week that she would be pursuing a wrongful death lawsuit against officials in Oregon. Her husband
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Bullet hole on LaVoy Finicum’s truck traced to elite FBI team

Source: www.oregonlive.com By Les Zaitz | The Oregonian/OregonLive  Video shows two camera angles of LaVoy Finicum shootingIn a video shown at a Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office press conference today, the aerial FBI
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Finicum’s Wake

  Pro Libertate | William N. Grigg | Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Somewhere there are still peoples and herds, but not with us, my brethren; here there are states…. A state is called
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RTR TRUTH MEDIA™ Tom Lacovara Stewart Published on Mar 9, 2016 In a blatantly disgusting interview, and what ultimate disrespect to an interviewee, CNN shows again their true colors.  

Officials Say Shots That Killed LaVoy Finicum Were Justified

OPB | Amanda Peacher OPB | March 8, 2016 9:45 a.m. | Updated: March 8, 2016 1:25 p.m. | Bend, Oregon  Investigators with the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office and the Harney and Malheur
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Audio of Haunting Oath Keepers Phone Call With LaVoy Finicum Two Days Before His Death

    Source: www.oathkeepers.org by Jason Van Tatenhove Recording of phone call by Oath Keepers to Lavoy Finicum, two days before his death, urging him and the Bundy brothers to make
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Utah Fusion Center Propagandized Cops to Watch Out for Gadsden Flags Ahead of LaVoy Finicum Funeral

Tim Brown February 6, 2016   LaVoy Finicum was laid to rest on Friday in Kabab, Utah, nearly two weeks after he was murdered in cold blood in Oregon. Yet,
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Family, Second Witness Say LaVoy Finicum Was “Murdered”

The New American | William F. Jasper Arizona rancher LaVoy Finicum was “murdered” by law enforcement agents, says the Finicum family, in theobituary posted to the mortuary chapel website announcing
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