The Climate Hoax Tipping Point

  Source: The International Forecaster Yes, the world is reaching a tipping point, but it has nothing to do with the trace amounts of life-giving carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
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The Paris Climate Accord is GENOCIDE against plants, forests and all life on our planet

  Source: Natural News | Mike Adams (Natural News) The primary goal of the Paris Climate Accord — the reduction of atmospheric carbon dioxide — is nothing less than genocide against all
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Senate Deserves Right of Refusal on Paris Agreement

  Source: Institute for Policy Innovation The decision on whether to remain in the Paris Agreement should lie with the Senate, which is empowered by the Constitution to ratify treaties,
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UN Chief: Paris Climate Pact ‘Unstoppable’ For November Activation

  Source: Ordinary people of the world see through the Climate Change scam but their leaders are racing headlong into it. The Utopian dream clouds all good judgement and
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