Hillary Promoted Agenda 21, Sustainable Development At Rio+20 Conference

  via: Technocracy.news WRITTEN BY: STATE.GOV OCTOBER 12, 2016 The UN’s Rio+20 Conference in Brazil 2012 was the followup to the first Earth Summit in Rio in 1992, which produced
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First-Ever U.S. Presidential Candidates’ Forum Held Abroad in Jerusalem, Israel, November 2-4, 2015

Huffington Post | Natasha Srdoc  | Posted: 10/23/2015 5:45 pm EDT Updated: 10/23/2015 5:59 pm EDT  Jerusalem Leaders Summit Inbal Jerusalem Hotel US presidential candidates have been invited to participate in
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Vatican Banned Skeptical Scientist from Climate Summit

“After securing a high-level meeting at the Vatican, he was told that, space permitting, he could join. He bought a plane ticket from Paris to Rome. But five days before
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