From Bad to Worse
October 5, 2017 in News by RBN Staff
By Ron Paul

Dear John,
When I launched this “Keep Your Promises” Directive just two weeks ago, I was upset with how Congress was betraying America by doing virtually nothing to upend the status quo.
But in that short time things have gone from bad to worse.
After the tragedy in Las Vegas, even Republicans are openly discussing gun control measures to restrict even more of your liberties.
This is NOT what people voted for in 2016!
It’s vital Congress KEEP THEIR PROMISES or find new jobs.
If you agree, please read my letter below, then sign your “KEEP YOUR PROMISES” Grassroots Directive and agree to your most generous contribution at once!
For Liberty,
Ron Paul
P.S. If you’ve already signed, but haven’t yet contributed to this vital effort, please do so right away.
You can almost feel the blood pressure of grassroots patriots all over the country rising.
I don’t blame them one bit.
After all, we were promised our newly elected President and Congress would repeal ObamaCare “root and branch” — not cook up one phony substitute after another.
We were promised Audit the Fed — not more of the same as the Federal Reserve steers us off another financial cliff.
We were promised REAL, fundamental tax reform — not simply shifting the tax burden from insiders with the best lobbyists to hardworking folks like you!
We were promised fiscal responsibility and spending cuts — not spending hikes that have sent our national debt soaring over $20 TRILLION.
We were promised things would be different this time!
We were told The Swamp’s days were numbered!
But the “Do-Nothing Congress” headed by scaredy-cat House Speaker Ryan and Senate Majority Leader McConnell has so far delivered. . .
Virtually nothing.
John, no matter how you slice it, 2016 was a LOUD-AND-CLEAR message from the American people that we’re FED UP with the status quo in Washington, D.C.!
Yet, The Swamp apparently thinks its “safe” to go back to their old games — and you and I won’t notice!
It’s up to you and me to prove them WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.
That’s why I’m counting on you to sign your “KEEP YOUR PROMISES” Grassroots Directive to your Congressman and U.S. Senators TODAY!
And if you’d like, you can take advantage of the extra space I’ve left for you to write the message of your choosing.
John, I know it’s probably frustrating you and I even have to do this. . .
But it’s absolutely critical you voice your frustration today.
If we don’t, we could miss one of the best opportunities we’ve had in years to bring our country back from the brink.
But the good news is, after the entire political world was turned upside down in 2016, politicians in BOTH parties are still incredibly wary of the power of grassroots patriots like you.
They don’t trust national media “experts” who’ve done nothing but constantly make fools of themselves — or party big-wigs who’ve accomplished nothing but record-low approval ratings.
They know that continuing to anger good folks like you could spell their political demise. . .
So John, it’s time to show them you and I mean business.
It’s time to show them they can either KEEP THEIR PROMISES or find new jobs.
That’s exactly the message your Grassroots Directive is designed to deliver.
As you’ll see, it urges Members of Congress to KEEP THEIR PROMISES TO:
>>> Audit the Fed. You and I have spent the last several months gathering House cosponsors and even forcing a House hearing. Now, is the time for Speaker Ryan to bring the bill to the floor and pass it onto the Senate!
>>> Cut taxes. You should decide how the money you earn is spent. Not some bureaucrat in Washington, D.C.
>>> Cut spending. The last debt ceiling deal with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer only punted the next fight until the end of the year. Instead of raising the debt ceiling again, it’s time for Congress to finally CUT SPENDING!
And as I mentioned, if you’d like, you can take advantage of the extra space I’ve left for you to write the message of your choosing.
John, the action of good folks like you can be THE difference if I can generate enough of a tidal wave of support.
But with all of these battles — and the brewing fight over the possible expiration of FISA’s UNCONSTITUTIONAL Section 702, which allows all sorts of domestic surveillance on American citizens — I hope you’ll consider a generous contribution today.
The more resources I can raise, the LOUDER our message will be in Washington, D.C.
There’s absolutely nothing I want more right now than to BREAK through the Big Government bubble and light a grassroots fire under this Congress.
But I’m counting on you to help Campaign for Liberty make it happen.
So in addition to signing your “KEEP YOUR PROMISES” Grassroots Directive, please be generous.
Even if all you can do right now is $10 or $20, it would make a tremendous difference.
But if you can afford more — like $50, $100, $250, or $500 — please give as much as you can.
John, the only way you and I don’t miss the opportunities we have in front of us today are if Members of Congress understand their days are numbered if they don’t deliver.
For Liberty,
Ron Paul
P.S. The “Do-Nothing Congress” headed by scaredy-cat House Speaker Ryan and Senate Majority Leader McConnell has so far delivered . . . virtually nothing.
That’s why I’m counting on you to sign your “KEEP YOUR PROMISES” Grassroots Directive to your Congressman and U.S. Senators and agree to your most generous contribution of $10, $20, $50, $100, $250, or $500 TODAY!
And if you’d like, you can take advantage of the extra space I’ve left for you on your Grassroots Directive to write the message of your choosing.