Top US Cardinal Accused of Sexually Assaulting Teen Boys & Having “Dozens” Of Sexual Relationships With Young Men & Covering It Up

  via: Freedom Outpost   While I’m glad the RCC pulled McCarrick from ministry, it should be concerning to everyone that they allowed him to hold a position of authority
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The Vatican Has Paid Nearly $4 Billion To Settle For Children Harmed By Sexual Abuse

  Source: Stillness In The Storm   (Alexa Erickson) The reality of child molestation by the Roman Catholic Church has surfaced time and time again, and yet, somehow, it continues to
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Hundreds Arrested in Massive Child Sex Ring in California, Including Entertainers, Community Leaders and Clergy 

  via: Conservative US | By VERONICA ROCHA JUN 21, 2016 The Department of Justice conducted a series of raids across Los Angeles and arrested 238 people in connection with a Hollywood pedophilia network
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SGTreport You won’t believe how many incredible things are happening right NOW. And a whole bunch of it is quantifiable. If your name it “Hillary Clinton” or “John Podesta” or
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Police arrest influential Democrat donor for trying to lure 12-y-old girl into his SUV in New York

  Source: 12160 BREAKING: Cops arrest influential Democrat donor for trying to lure 12-year-old girl into his SUV in New York Police arrested a man Wednesday for allegedly trying to
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Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino Threatens to Expose Clinton Crimes

  via: | Truth Factory (Kakistocracy)  Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent and Fox News host, got into a Twitter feud with Nick Merrill, and he said that Hillary Clinton is
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Prosecutors Unveil Full Details Of Anthony Weiner’s Pedophilia

  Source: Zero Hedge Earlier today we reported that as part of the government’s sentencing memorandum (published at the bottom), federal prosecutors asked that disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner, and the man
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International Network Of 87,000 Pedophiles Dismantled — American Mass Media Silent

  Source: Activist Post | By Jay Syrmopoulos Berlin — The largely unrecognized global pandemic of child pornography has once again been thrust into the glare of the public spotlight after a massive
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  Source: Government Slaves [3/16/17]  MATT AGORIST–  Moments ago, the Cleveland County District Attorney’s Office announced three felony charges against State Sen. Ralph Shortey, including engaging in child prostitution. The charges
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Senior Facebook engineer is arrested for ‘responding to an ad posted by an undercover cop posing as a 15-year-old girl offering sex for cash’

  Source: Daily Mail Dov Katz was arrested for allegedly soliciting sex with 15-year-old girl on Dec 21 The 38-year-old reportedly responded to a sex ad posted by an undercover
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Lord of the Rings star Elijah Wood says Hollywood is gripped by a powerful pedophile ring and Tinseltown is covering up a ‘seedy’ underbelly full of predatory ‘vipers’

  Source: The Daily Mail Elijah Wood, 35, claims young actors are being abused in Hollywood  Says Tinseltown is allegedly sheltering around ‘100 active abusers’  Lord of the Rings star Elijah Wood
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Social media users warned against falsely calling politicians paedophiles

“Defamation on Facebook, Twitter, whatever social media site contains exactly the same penalties as if it appeared in a newspaper,” he said. “The only difficulty we sometimes get is identifying
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Impunity for US government workers using child porn

Source: YouTube Published on Sep 23, 2012  Prof Lori Handrahan of American University outlines cases where employees in e.g. judiciary, police, foreign service are being protected by the Department of
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Law enforcement admits deleting controversial records

“The investigations drew praise from experts in the legal, civil rights, and law enforcement communities who indicated the stings were wasting valuable resources to arrest men who were ultimately unlikely
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Your Child Is Not Safe from the Global Elite’s Child Trafficking Rings

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network There is no greater nightmare than for a parent to lose their child. Subsequently, it is undeniably an inborn instinct for the majority of
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