White Paper / Scholarly Research Article — “ChatGPT is bullshit”

June 21, 2024 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff

  Source: Springer Link EXCERPT: “We distinguish two ways in which the models can be said to be bullshitters, and argue that they clearly meet at least one of these
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Here’s the Real Story Behind the Juneteenth Holiday – And It’s Not What They’ve Told You!

June 20, 2024 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff

  Source: TheGatewayPundit.com By Jim Hoft   Happy Juneteenth! Today is the day the United States celebrates Juneteenth, a little-known date that was recently dug up to divert attention from the
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Joe Biden’s Foreign Policy: A Series of Failures

June 20, 2024 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff

  Source: AmericanThinker.com By S. Hodges   When Joe Biden came to power, U.S. priorities in international relations shifted dramatically from establishing and improving foreign ties to the dominant position of
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The ‘Far Right’ Is Surging In Europe Because The Left’s Version Of ‘Democracy’ Has Failed

June 20, 2024 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff

  Source: TheFederalist.com BY: ADAM JOHNSTON   Democracy is not in danger; it’s the left’s version of ‘democracy’ that’s threatened as the right is beginning to flex its political muscles. Due
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Mark Dankof for Memorial Day 2024: A Prophet Rejected in Iowa and the Death of Lt. Lyle Jensen

May 31, 2024 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff

    By Mark Dankof   Mark Dankof for Memorial Day 2024: A Prophet Rejected in Iowa and the Death of Lt. Lyle Jensen Both Iowa and America were taken in
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How Hitler Defied the Bankers

May 31, 2024 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff

  via: NationalVanguard.org Source: Radical Press    MANY PEOPLE take joy in saying Wall Street and Jewish bankers “financed Hitler.” There is plenty of documented evidence that Wall Street and Jewish bankers
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A Brief Tribute to Morgan Spurlock

May 24, 2024 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff

  By Chris Hinkley of Road Warrior Radio on RBN | TheRWR.com RWR Host     If I were Morgan Spurlock, the Mainstream Media would love me, and I’d have
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May 22, 2024 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff

  via: BLACKLISTEDNEWS.com SOURCE: INFORMATION LIBERATION Over a dozen Jewish billionaires working secretly in concert with the Israeli government were part of a private WhatsApp group chat which conspired to push
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Satellite reception problems?!

May 15, 2024 in Columnists, News, RBN Updates, Video by RBN Staff

  RBN hopes that you can receive our signal clearly, no matter how you connect, BUT, there will always be problems with ‘line-of-sight’ and satellite dish signals. Please check this
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Let’s GO Brandon!!!

May 11, 2024 in Columnists, News, RBN Updates by RBN Staff

  Thanks to this RBN Contributor, S.R.D., for their fantastic artistic skills!     Looks like we’re making fun of everybody here…    

Trumpowitz Calls for Death Penalty in Relation to “Anti-Semitism”

May 10, 2024 in Columnists, News, RBN Updates, Video by RBN Staff

  CONTEXT ADDED: The clip referenced in this following post was from a speech by Trump – after a mass shooting at a synagogue – in which he called for
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May 10, 2024 in Columnists, News, Video by RBN Staff

  @CitizenPcorp @LauraLoomer This is coming from an #Israeli… you should listen to him. He actually served on the #Gaza boarder. https://t.co/cxd797chmk — Taylor Mason (@Tmason117) October 22, 2023 More
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They want to kill you – seriously!

May 9, 2024 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff

  Source: StopWorldControl.net     For decades there has been a nefarious agenda to dramatically reduce the world population. The infamous Georgia Guidestones, erected by a group of freemasons in
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Fagan: The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations

May 2, 2024 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff

  By Jeff Bennett, RBN host of Perspectives on America (4-6pm CT Tue, Wed, Thur) SOURCE: FEDERALOBSERVER.COM “It is up to you and you, all of the American people, to
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Cast a Giant Shadow ~ The Journey of the Khazars

May 1, 2024 in Columnists, News, RBN Updates by RBN Staff

  By JEFF BENNETT, RBN host of Perspectives on America Source: FederalObserver.com   “Because of the long and varied history of the Jews, it is difficult to define a Jew. There is
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“Government” Has Been the Biggest Scam in History!

April 26, 2024 in Columnists, News, Video by RBN Staff

  Source: Substack | Art of Liberty By ETIENNE DE LA BOETIE2 The Scam of “Government” Explained in Less Than 5 Minutes… Now… With Memes! “Government” Has Been the Biggest Scam
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April 25, 2024 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff

    BY Vernon Coleman Dr Vernon Coleman Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/hJJqK6ohv9uf/   IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have difficulty accessing this video (which is being blocked because it contains truths the conspirators want
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Anthony Bourdain, Bob Simon — Israel and The ‘Suicides’ Of Those Who Speak Out Against Their Actions

April 25, 2024 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff

Source: Information compiled and with commentary by Leila in Canada Bob Simon was murdered by Israel for reporting Christians leaving the Holy Land This is the same way Diana was
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The Deep State Prepares For A Trump Victory

April 11, 2024 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff

    Source: ZeroHedge.com Authored by Jeffrey A. Tucker via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign event in Grand Rapids, Mich., on April 2,
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If Any Out There Want Freedom, You will Have to Take It!

April 10, 2024 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff

source:  lewrockwell By Gary D. Barnett April 10, 2024 “Better to die fighting for freedom then be a prisoner all the days of your life.” ~ Bob Marley As much as it
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