Dallas Salon Fined After Opening in Defiance of ‘Stay-at-Home’ Order But Continues Operating
April 30, 2020 in News by RBN Staff
Source: Big League Politics
Salon A La Mode, a Dallas salon, opened on Friday despite the current Dallas county ‘stay-at-home’ order. The owner was issued a fine and given a cease and desist letter by Judge Clay Jenkins.
The salon was opened in the morning at regular business hours, as she had announced she would do the prior day. The owner had security to ensure the safety and compliance of its customers.
The police and fire-rescue arrived shortly, after receiving calls, and the owner received a ticket with a fine between $50 – $2000.
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After receiving the ticket, the owner did a brief press conference with local news.
During the press conference, she answered a range of questions, concerning safety issues, her interactions with the police, and her reason for defying the order.
The owner reassured the crowd that she would not be closing despite receiving the fines. She said that her lawyer would be dealing with the ticket, and she insisted she will not pay it.
When asked if she wanted to send a message to other Dallas business owners in her situation, she simply stated, “Open up. It’s your right.”
The owner detailed why she wasn’t concerned about the virus spreading in her salon. She said,
In my salon…we’re all wearing protective gear. We’re all sanitizing. Everything is completed sanitary in there. I’m not letting anybody in without a mask…. We’re much more protected than Walmart, Home Depot, or any of the other shops they deem essential.
In addition to these precautions she outlined to the press, she was also reported to have been taking temperatures of customers.
The reporters began to ask questions about how far she was willing to go in her defiance of the unjust order.
The owner said that she would continue operating the business. She also said that was prepared (and expected to) go to jail Friday morning, but still willing to stand up and give a voice to others like her.
I feel like me not being in jail right now is a pretty big deal. I dressed today thinking ‘I better where something comfortable….’
Because all the small business owners need to have some sort of voice, and we need to stand up for what’s right or we will have our freedoms taken away.
This is one of a few businesses across Texas, including a restaurant in the Houston area, that opened their doors in defiance of ‘stay-at-home’ orders.
Dallas county extended their order a few days ago to May 15th, so only time will tell where confrontations like these are headed.