Dallas Salon Fined After Opening in Defiance of ‘Stay-at-Home’ Order But Continues Operating

  Source: Big League Politics By Matt Travis  Salon A La Mode, a Dallas salon, opened on Friday despite the current Dallas county ‘stay-at-home’ order. The owner was issued a fine
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  By Mark Anderson & Jason Mangum www.worldimpactnews.net The following official White House petitions shown below are posted  on our new website. They’re designed to address critical elements of the
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Governors/Governed: Servants or Rulers; Who Serves, Who is Served?

  By Je suis Spike for RBN Regarding those “in authority” who have “shut down the economy” “for the good of all,” be they Mayors or Governors or other little
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‘Operation Gridlock’ Rolls Into Michigan Capital April 15, Peaceably Protests Draconian CV-19 Measures

  By Mark Anderson, RBN host / American Free Press editor [Full article to be posted ASAP] LISTEN TO REPORT: STOP THE PRESSES! with Mark Anderson 4.15.20 PHOTOS:   TEXT ARTICLE
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America should be ready for 18 months of shutdowns in ‘long, hard road’ ahead, warns the Fed’s Neel Kashkari

  Source: Market Watch | By Shawn Langlois   ‘This could be a long, hard road that we have ahead of us until we get to either an effective therapy or a vaccine.
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End the Shutdown, Says Dr. Ron Paul

  Source: Need To Know | Ron Paul Institute and Mises Institute   Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams discuss an article by the Mises Institute about the pandemic shutdown. The article states:
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Prager Issues Warning: If We Can Shut Down America for COVID-19, Dems Can Shut It Down for Climate Change

  Source: Western Journal | By James Morganelli “The dam has been broken,” author and nationally syndicated radio host Dennis Prager warns. “Maybe it was necessary. But when dams break, flooding follows.”  
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Quarantines May Backfire

  Source: Lew Rockwell | By Bill Sardi The mistaken presumption that a person “catches a cold” from someone else, or a flu virus, or a coronavirus, is the basis for calling
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